The Great Anime Marathon of 2020! #11 – #15: This One’s Going to Be Awkward
Oh yeah, this one’s definitely going to be awkward! We’re looking at the kind of anime very few people would even admit they watched in the first place. In my defence, I picked most of these titles randomly without actually looking at what I was getting myself into.
The problem is that this is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to weird anime you’d never admit to watching. There’s plenty more on the list of 120 anime I’ve watched this past couple of months, but we gotta start somewhere.
Also, naturally I went with the uncensored version of all of these titles, because, if you’re gonna go there, you may as well go all the way!
EDITED (28 May 2020): Swapped out one anime for “A Sister’s All You Need” to set things up for the next entry which has an anime from the same light novel author. Thanks mysterious message from the future!
The following is a spoiler-free list of anime I’ve seen this year in no particular order:
#11: Interspecies Reviewers
- Season 1: Complete series to date (sub)
I’m going to honest with you, this is the only one in the list where I knew what I was getting myself into. I had heard things about Interspecies Reviewers quite some time ago and my curiosity got the better of me. However, as you can see by the rating of 3 stars, I ended up enjoying this series, but not for the reasons you may think.
I honestly don’t care about tits and ass and what have you in animated form, but what got me about this series is how funny it can be, how interesting the ridiculous premise was, as well as how the characters and everything else somehow came together to create this monstrously strange series.
Let’s not kid ourselves, this is basically borderline hentai with mayonnaise and other props acting as substitutes with as much suggestive imagery as possible to cross the line, but not cross the line.
On the other hand, each episode is unique and funny in its own stupid way and the cast of characters are charming and work well together. For a show that’s giving people the excuse to see anime tiddies, it has a really well developed world, interesting characters, great character designs and enough gags and laughs for it to be something more than you’d think it’d be.
Hell, the opening theme by itself will end up selling you considering how triumphant and welcoming it sounds. I never skipped it once because it just sounded so much fun every time I heard it.
#12: Valkyrie Drive Mermaid
- Season 1, including Specials: Complete series to date (dub)
Here’s where we get right into it! This is the moment when you ask yourself, “What the hell am I doing with my life and why am I watching this?” That’s what I was thinking to myself as I sat there watching an anime about… get this, a teenage girl with an overly well developed body, tongue kissing and fondling another teenage girl who is older than her but looks like a loli with tits, in order to make her turn into a sword that she can use in battle.
This show also features a woman who can transform into a motorcycle with tits and other fetishes that I never really thought about before. I have no idea what was going on during this entire thing, it was attempting to have a plot, but I’m pretty sure most of it was drowned out by these two chicks fingering each other and what have you.
Don’t judge me, I had no idea what the hell this was about, I went in blind.
#13: A Sister’s All You Need
- Season 1: Complete series to date (dub)
Wait, I’m not done, you wanna get nuts? Let’s get nuts! The whole idea of the “brother/sister complex” doesn’t enter my mind all too often since, why the hell would it? But Japan has a way of forcing that shit right up in there into your brain where it can never be recovered and it’s just there forever now. You’ve seen it, you can unsee it.
This anime is adapted from a light novel written by Yomi Hirasaka, who is best known for another series called “Haganai” which… oh, we’ll get there very soon, I have a lot to say about that series. Basically, all you need to know is that she is hard up into that brother/sister complex as well as all manner of fetishes just rolled up into a ball and shoved right in there.
So, what’s this anime about? It’s basically about a bunch of writers and the trials and tribulations of being a writer in Japan. That’s it… that’s the slice of life story being presented… but on top of that is a heavy dose of brother/sister complex shenanigans, panties being tied into bows, etc, for… reasons.
What I’m trying to get at here is that the creator of this story is… a strange one. For some reason, her stories MUST have all of these strange elements to them which are echoed in the other anime I have seen that came from her mind… and we’ll get there soon enough.
#14: Bikini Warriors
- Season 1, including OVAs: Complete series to date (dub)
This show is an interesting one in that it’s a series of shorts rather than full episodes. Bikini Warriors basically makes fun of the whole bikini armour trope you tend to see in some video game RPGs while giving the potential viewer exactly what they want at the same time.
It would be good for a few laughs at making fun at RPGs, but unfortunately, it focuses more on the tits and ass and less on having fun with the ridiculous concept. It also involves a dog doing things… yeah, no.
#15: High School DxD
- Season 1 – 4, including OVAs: Complete series to date (dub)
After saying I liked Interspecies Reviewers, it doesn’t feel so bad to say that I liked High School DxD. Ironically, I found the fact that there’s very little High School in this anime to be pretty amusing in itself. That said, despite this being a delivery system for tits and ass in harem form, I did get swept away with the characters and story more than I thought was possible.
Seriously, it’s no wonder this series has four seasons and another one on the way, because it’s actually enjoyable to watch as a normal anime series, just with a lot more tits in your face. It surprised the hell out of me when I realised I was actually getting into the plot and enjoying the character interactions, I was getting worried with myself for a moment.
It just goes to show you that you can’t judge something until you’ve actually seen it for yourself. Though, had I not stumbled onto it without really knowing anything about it, I admit, I would have probably not bothered with it.
So, despite the fact that I ended up having to experience the garbage that is Valkyrie Drive Mermaid, I did actually find a couple of series that did surprise me in that they were enjoyable and not total useless expect for one thing.
Gotta give credit where credit is due.
- The Great Anime Marathon of 2020! #81 – #85: Son, I am disappoint28 December 2020
- The Great Anime Marathon of 2020! #61 – #65: Reverse Isekai are a thing?11 November 2020
- The Great Anime Marathon of 2020! #66 – #70: How is this so good?23 December 2020
- The Great Anime Marathon of 2020! #56 – #60: I didn’t know what to expect8 November 2020
- The Great Anime Marathon of 2020! #1 – #5: A Quartet of Isekai23 April 2020