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Articles by Lynk Former


Sound of Freedom

People have been talking about it, other people have been trying to get others to stop talking about it. It's a movie that has been made...

The Great Anime Marathon of 2020! #81 – #85: Son, I am disappoint

Here we go again, another round of the kind of anime you wouldn't want your parents to walk in on. On top of that, another round of anime that...

The Great Anime Marathon of 2020! #76 – #80: 4koma manga turned anime!

We're almost there, to the end of 2020, time to post up a few more of these anime marathon posts before then... though, I still have a lot of...

The Great Anime Marathon of 2020! #71 – #75: Is it okay to be creating this many Isekai?

We are never going to run out of isekai, they're everywhere and they have absurdly silly titles that are very difficult to say. It makes you...

The Great Anime Marathon of 2020! #66 – #70: How is this so good?

This year is coming to an end and I'm nearing the 200 anime watched mark with a week to go. That means I need to stop neglecting to post these...

The Great Anime Marathon of 2020! #61 – #65: Reverse Isekai are a thing?

This next five anime listed in this post are isekai, as you would expect, but not the kind that most people are use to. We can go to their world...

The Great Anime Marathon of 2020! #56 – #60: I didn’t know what to expect

This next selection of anime is a mixed bunch that all have one thing in common. I didn't really know what to expect going into any of them... at...

The Great Anime Marathon of 2020! #51 – #55: Did I mention I watched some Isekai?

Damn, I've been super busy lately. However, the marathon has been continuing, thus I must not stop posting these before the end of the year! Here...

Prometheus is ready to launch!

I've been running my current PC for a while now, but there's so much going on with it that it puts unnecessary overhead when trying to run games...

Game Spotlight: Disaster: Day of Crisis

Okay, now I know I've already had a bit of a look at this game already, and I know at least one of you (Jeff) will point out that this game sucks...

Star Wars: The Old Republic: The Former Legacy: The Untold Chapters

As promised, we're taking a dive into the story of The Former Legacy, a Star Wars: The Old Republic fan fiction that I never completed, since...

Star Wars: The Old Republic: The Former Legacy: Chapter 3: Too far, not far enough

It took me over a year to write the second chapter of this fan fiction, now it's taken me less than a week to write the third chapter, I'm really...

Star Wars: The Old Republic: The Former Legacy: Chapter 2: Burning in memories

Wow, it's been over a year since I wrote the first chapter of The Former Legacy, and in that entry, I said that I'd be writing this over the...

Star Wars: The Old Republic: The Former Legacy: Chapter 1: Grinding the filth

Since this the first chapter in what will hopefully end up becoming a long running series over the course of a year or so, I should start off with...

The Great Anime Marathon of 2020! #46 – #50: Under Siege

It's been quite a while since I posted the last entry for this series. I've been pretty busy lately and it's been hard to find the time to work...