Game Development Diary: June 2020
Aha! You all thought that I had given up on this project or that I was going to put it into mothballs like with The Former Legacy! Nope, this project is still going strong, but with a little added twist as I’ve been developing it over the last year.
What that particular twist may be needs to remain a secret and will only be revealed if things get to the stage where this game actually becomes a thing.
In the meantime, I’ve been spending a lot of time in the background improving my programming techniques and figuring the ins and outs of how to make a video game from scratch. The Game Development Diary I made back in May 2019 talked about all the things I was doing to figure out the art style and animations, and I have been dabbling with that here and there… but the big hurdle to get over is the programming.
I’ve decided to take the “from scratch” route and have settled with Monogame as my framework and will go from there. Considering I’m integrating the idea of making this game in with the evolution of the Information Technology curriculum I’m developing over the next few years at my school, I think everything will work itself out eventually.
In the meantime, stay tuned for a new project I’ll be announcing once I’ve figured a few things out… it’ll be made along side this one.
- Game Development Diary: May 201919 May 2019
- The Former Legacy ends here24 June 2020
- Game Development Diary: April 201919 April 2019
- I’m going digital, completely digital… with Wii U20 November 2012
- Game Development Diary: Another April 2019 update28 April 2019