Category: Projects

Game Development Diary: June 2020

Aha! You all thought that I had given up on this project or that I was going to put it into mothballs like with The Former Legacy! Nope, this project is still going strong, but with a little added twist as I’ve been developing it over the last year.

Game Development Diary: May 2019

It’s been a month since I started this project and so far, I’ve spent a lot more time developing the sprites and animations for the playable character, trying to figure out different aspects of the style and feel of the entire game.

Game Development Diary: Another April 2019 update

Yup, it’s been a month and I’m still committed to this project. I believe I can do it and I’m coming up with great ideas that I think are pretty interesting. In the last month I’ve been furthering the development of the playable character and fleshing out the controls.

Game Development Diary: April 2019

After committing to making a game, I’ve decided the best approach to keep myself motivate and on track is too keep a kind of diary on my progress. This diary will be a monthly thing and will cover various aspects I discover about learning the process to make a video game.

I’m making a game

I’ve been brainstorming ideas for a long time now, as I do with a lot of things, but I’ve finally come to the decision that I should actually go ahead and make my own game.