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Lynk Former

Aha! You all thought that I had given up on this project or that I was going to put it into mothballs like with The Former Legacy! Nope, this project is still going strong, but with a little added twist as I’ve been developing it over the last year.

What that particular twist may be needs to remain a secret and will only be revealed if things get to the stage where this game actually becomes a thing.

In the meantime, I’ve been spending a lot of time in the background improving my programming techniques and figuring the ins and outs of how to make a video game from scratch. The Game Development Diary I made back in May 2019 talked about all the things I was doing to figure out the art style and animations, and I have been dabbling with that here and there… but the big hurdle to get over is the programming.

I’ve decided to...
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