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When a Devloper ruins a game...


Spammer Hitman
Forum Moderator
Well.... I was a big fan once for EA's/DICE Battlefields Series, I've been playing the game since the Bad Company game came out on the 360. Apart from Hardline I never really had any problems with the game that would put me off from playing it. There would be times when you might throw your controller agaisnt a wall in frustrations...... but nothing from stopping me going back after a break.

Well... that might have changed, I had brought Battlefield 5 on preorder, I went with the limited edition and apart from a few bugs and a few changes they made to try and improve the game from the pervious titles. I liked it, the WWII plot was good, and it worked...

Well along came a few other titles, Ace Combat, The Division 2 and FarCry5 and I've been playing these titles since then, well I suddenly got an itch to do some multi Shooter, So booted up the Xbox1 and did the updates for the game and loaded up some Team Death match.
Himm... I know games get patched to try and improve the game, but FUCK what the hell did EA and DICE been smoking on when they did this patch.
First some of the maps of Team death match have been shrunk, or the maps have been re drawn over the larger conquest maps....Well that hasn't sat well with me as one maps just a Fuck fest as it one large map with not much cover once shit blown up, Flanking routes have gone and the amount of times I've spawn in, only to be shot dead in a single head shot.
Another map which had one giant church to fight in has had the map redrawn over a smaller section with not alot of building.

The biggest fuck up has to the heavy weapons on the assualt class, why did they NERF the anti tank weapon so much. Ok you don't have tanks in TDM. But I like to use them to blow up walls to take down buildings that are being used by the enemy. A wall shouldn't take more then 1 PIAT round... but fuck it took up to three before a wall collapsed... Which is pointless as an assualt class is limited to2 rounds, unless they pick up more from an ammo stockpile...... It takes one of the most useful aspect of that class and make playing it pointless......

Team balancing.... the amount of time seeing high ranking players on one side is annoying, but also removing the feature to switch sides makes it impossable to join the side of friends already playing if your put on the other side.... brilliant

Well I've gone back to 1, might even try playing playing 4 again...

Again sorry for the rant, but I need to let off some steam