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The Random Food Thread


C3F Member
Random talks of any food you like, would like to try or weird, funny, appetising food...or anything about food lol.

I've always been curious about these blowfish (or known as Torafugu in Japan) and how they are prepared for consumption while removing all the poisonous non-edible parts.

*WARNING* Graphic fish cutting contents for those not quite the faint of heart on seeing these types of videos
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRbV08ykKTM

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cyFTrt4gdQ

Would probably try it once if I ever take a trip to Japan...prepared by a licensed chef with experience on Torafugu preparation of course!

The talk of Torafugu also reminds me of the Simpsons jokes about it haha

Lynk Former

There are some cafe's I like to go in town which I can't name... but they have some pretty good burgers that I like getting every week. Oh, and another one has some REALLY good pizza's I like to get every Friday... oh and a Chinese place I like to go as well... :XD:

I basically eat at these places for lunch every week day cause I'm too lazy to do anything else... plus they're so good.


I like pickled vegetables and fruits. Sauerkraut, atchara, pickled cucumbers and chilies, burong mangga in salt and beer. I will eat kimchi, but sparingly.

Lynk Former

Man, there use to be a really good fish and chips place here, but then it got new owners and it ended up... not so good.

Lynk Former

I swear, Hawk... if you actually encourage me to start taking pictures of my food, I'm murdering you brutally.


C3F Member

This was actually my dinner on Friday, sauteed brussel sprouts with bacon over pasta topped with bleu cheese. With a glass of red wine of course.

Lynk Former

Recently, I've been looking at random YouTube channels related to food and I discovered an interesting one...



C3F Member

My dinner last night, a good old fashioned steak, beans and potato, with whiskey of course. Can't be country without the whiskey.


C3F Member
I'm tempted to try this if I ever get to travel to the US and visit New Orleans :XD: and that table for the Crawfish looks snazzy.