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Lynk Former

We’re almost there, to the end of 2020, time to post up a few more of these anime marathon posts before then… though, I still have a lot of them to go! This time, it’s all about those 4 panel short manga’s turned into anime.

The following is a spoiler-free list of anime I’ve seen this year in no particular order:

#76: Lucky Star

Season 1 including OVA: Complete series to date (dub, OVA: sub)

I don’t even know what to really think of Lucky Star aside from the fact that it’s one of the weird anime where the characters are all much older than they’re portrayed. But, the whole “moe” thing was in full swing at the time that this became popular, so there’s that.

I’m definitely the outlier in this since most people seemed to really like this series back when it first aired, but I found it pretty meh. Just your average pop-culture commentary anime with moe characters. That...
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