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Lynk Former

We are never going to run out of isekai, they’re everywhere and they have absurdly silly titles that are very difficult to say. It makes you wonder if the people who created them do it on purpose… no, wait… of course they do.

The following is a spoiler-free list of anime I’ve seen this year in no particular order:

#71: Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash

Season 1 including OVA: Complete series to date (dub)

Also known as Grimgar, Ashes and Illusions for some reason, this is a series that is short and sweet and pumped full to the brim with money. It feels like you’re watching a movie split up into smaller parts than a TV series the amount of money that is stuffed into every frame.

Everything about this anime is a feast for the eyes and the story itself is excellent in every way. I just wish we got to spend a lot more time in the world because it feels like a...
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