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Lynk Former

This next selection of anime is a mixed bunch that all have one thing in common. I didn’t really know what to expect going into any of them… at all. Some on this list are a given, but others are a little more subtle in there approach to this concept.

The following is a spoiler-free list of anime I’ve seen this year in no particular order:

#56: Dagashi Kashi

Seasons 1 – 2: Complete series to date (dub)

We begin with an anime that features a detailed look into a part of Japanese culture that isn’t present, a least, in the modern western world. The wonderful world of unique Japanese candies and snacks that have a history of its own compared to the kinds of candies and snacks sold elsewhere in the world.

There’s something so authentic about this anime in its representation of these candies and snacks that when you see the opening animation and see a parody of Luke...
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