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Lynk Former

Damn, I’ve been super busy lately. However, the marathon has been continuing, thus I must not stop posting these before the end of the year! Here comes another set of isekai and isekai-ish anime… because it seems to be popular these days, lol.

The following is a spoiler-free list of anime I’ve seen this year in no particular order:

#51: Log Horizon

Seasons 1 – 2: Complete series to date (dub)

I’ve been meaning to watch Log Horizon for a very long time but never really got around to it until now. Yup, it’s an isekai, yup it’s very much like Sword Art Online in which are large group of people are trapped in an RPG world for an extended period of time.

However, unlike SOA, we’re stuck in this world throughout the entire series as the mystery of the world slowly unfolds. The cool thing about this series is that it’s actually very smart in a lot of ways and focuses on...
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