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Lord El-Melloi II's Case Files


Lifelong LFN Member
As a Fate series fan, I'm pretty hyped for this one. Unlike the other Fateverse anime we've seen so far, this one should be more of a mystery anime, rather than an action anime. The fact that it's a sequel/spin-off of Fate/Zero, rather than an alternate universe is just icing on the cake for me. I also think it's cool that it focuses more on the mages and their schemes, rather than mythological/hystorical heroes and Holy Grail wars, as I think this universe is capable of offering different types of plots for us to enjoy (as previously proven by Kara no Kyokai).

We'll see in a few weeks, but in the meantime, here's the trailer:

Lynk Former

Watching that trailer... this seems like one of those few times where the Japanese voices don't fit with what's happening on screen...


Lifelong LFN Member
Well, that's a strange impression to have, didn't really notice it myself. You could always just watch episode 0, which aired around New Year, for a better impression on what the anime is about.

Lynk Former

It's actually the same feeling I got with Last Exile... when I saw the Japanese trailer it didn't seem right, but when I watched it with the English voice acting it was perfect.