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C3F Member
Hi everybody... strange posting back here, I don't do the stuff that got me in BCC in the first place anymore... I haven't drawn anything in like 10 years nor watch anime nowadays, last show I watched was Psychopass I think? and I don't remember which one was before that...

In that time I became vegetarian, embraced linux (I don't use Arch btw), got an engineering degree and joined a laboratory in my university for develop aerospace projects that the current government is defunding :rolleyes: ... prospects are grim but still cool stuff, and I also teach a bit.

Anyway, I'll try to be around.

Lynk Former

Oh wow, Maverick... I mean... m4v... I mean... m44v... the ever evolving name.

Good to have ya back on C3F :D Welcome aboard!

Don't worry, I won't be asking you to draw anything for me like I did in the old days.

Bob Lion54

Junior Malkavian Detective
Forum Moderator
Welcome, m4v!

It's cool if a lot of the stuff you originally came here for aren't really relevant anymore. Really, the main purpose of these new forums is to try to recapture the sense of community that's lost in today's social media.

If you're still nerdy and like to chat about nerdy stuff, you'll fit right in!


C3F Member
@Bob Lion54 righto

Also, speaking of teaching, looks like, you, @Kyuu and I have similar professions in that regard.
Yeah I remember that was your aim all along, in my case it just kind of happened, I don't dislike it but It wasn't something I pursued :XD:
And to be frank teaching is more of a side job for extra money and perks.