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Guilty Pleasure Games!

Bob Lion54

Junior Malkavian Detective
Forum Moderator
So, what are your favorite guilty pleasure games?

I'm talking about the games that you would be embarrassed for people to see in your Steam Library or walk in on you playing. We all have them. That game (or games) we just have to play from time to time, but are embarrassed to admit it!

Mine would be Huniecam Studio.

It's such a stupid little game where you manage a Cam Studio. A play-through only takes about an hour and a half, but man, if I don't find myself going back to it anytime I feel like playing something but don't really want to get into anything too evolved. Plus, I keep wanting to see if I can get more fans than I've got before; which is the objective of the game. Your score is just how many fans you get.

Anyway, that's my guilty pleasure game. What's yours?


Mine are visual novels because they're mostly girly. But that's also how I found Doki Doki Literature Club before it exploded all over the internet.


Lifelong LFN Member
Hmmm, well, I would say one of several lewd-ish minigames within Yakuza 0. Things like the telephone club minigame, or the Catfight club minigame, or the hostess training stuff within the Cabaret Club Management minigame. All extremely cringey, but also hilarious and entertaining at the same time. Probably shouldn't even mention the softcore "erotic" videos you can watch at the videostore... I would feel less ashamed of being caught watching actual porn than watching those. :D


LFN Veteran
Hmmmmmm, guilty pleasures. There's a good amount.

(Short Answers)
Between my wife and myself we got all the achievements in Huniepop. Lately we've been cracking up playing House Party together.

(Long "Oh god I didn't expect this to take so long, I need to log off and shower and go to bed" Answer)
Katawa Shoujo. It's an amateur made Visual Novel that centers around the main protagonist Hisao. You discover you have a rare heart condition, and end up transferring to a school that is especially for students with disabilities, and encounter various love interests with various disabilities. I heard about it first forever ago on Kotaku, where I initially took it as "Man it's a VN porn game for people with a fetish for some fucked up stuff, this will probably be hilarious as hell" because I was a dumb teenager at the time. Then I finished reading the article. My interest piqued, I downloaded the Prologue that was available at the time, and what I experienced was not at all what I was expecting compared to that first "lol hur-durr" reacion. It was genuine. It was respectful. And it was extremely well done for being a small amateur project. I played through to 100% completion of the prologue, getting all the various endings that take you down the path towards a different girl. Soon afterwards, I was filled with an emptiness, as it sat in that I wouldn't get to see how these storylines would play out until the project was finished. Almost 2 years to the date of me stumbling across that Kotaku article, Katawa Shoujo was finally released. I immediately downloaded it and didn't stop until I had 100%'d the final project. The game legitimately brought me to tears multiple times. It blew away my expectations, and every few years since I find myself re-launching it and still enjoying it. There are a small handful of games that I wish I could erase from my memory, simply to re-experience them for that first time. Katawa Shoujo is right near the top of that list.

(And for those of you that aren't comfortable with it, you can completely disable any H-content, though I will say that what there is in the game isn't your run of the mill H-game stuff, it's actually done in a very realistic and earnest way)

Dammit, think it might be time for another playthrough :cautious: