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Lynk Former

Okay, now I know I’ve already had a bit of a look at this game already, and I know at least one of you (Jeff) will point out that this game sucks and it’s no point talking about it. However, I have played through this game in its entirety and have discovered that it’s so bad that it’s actually good. Therefore I have to share it with everyone in some way…
This entire entry will be extremely spoilerific because I really HAVE to share with you just how ridiculous this game really is. It’s so bad that the President of Nintendo of America, Reginald “Reggie” Fils-Aimé, stated that this game would NEVER make it to North America… lucky for me, the wacky folks of Nintendo of Europe and Nintendo of Australia decided that “If the American’s don’t want it, we certainly must have it!”… So here it is… read about it, because...
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