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Lynk Former

After committing to making a game, I’ve decided the best approach to keep myself motivate and on track is too write a diary on my progress. This diary will be a monthly thing and will cover various aspects I discover about the process of making a video game and the things I learn along the way.
Of course, in doing that, I’ll probably end up revealing a lot about the game. At least, more than I should for people who don’t want “spoilers,” but I can assure you that the kind of game I’m making won’t be overtly story driven and will rely on gameplay.
The premise
As discussed in the initial announcement entry, I’ve decided to create a Metroidvania style game that relies on action rather than narrative to keep the players interest. Just like one of my favourite game series of all time (at least it was until they forgot what made it awesome), I want to rely on the atmosphere to tell the story just...
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