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Lynk Former

Yup, it’s been a week since the last development diary and I’m still committed to this project. I believe I can do it and I’m coming up with great ideas that I think are pretty interesting. In the last month I’ve been furthering the development of the playable character and fleshing out the controls.
Evolving the playable character sprites
After a month of fiddling around with the sprites for the playable character of my game, I think I’ve gotten to the stage where I’m happy with the overall design. Sure, there’s probably one or two pixels I could change around to improve things, but I think I’ve hit the mark with what I want.
At first, I was going for a more traditional approach, with a character that has four physical arms, two standard arms with two more behind them. It felt different, but the more I looked at it, the more clumsy it ended up looking, especially from the side view where they just hung there and seemed useless...
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