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Lynk Former

This is the second part of the article that I wrote a month later going into further detail my adventures in Arcadia Bay with my parents.

Warning: This entry contains spoilers for Life is Strange and Life is Strange: Before the Storm.
For those of you who have stumbled onto this page out of nowhere, this entry is the second part of an article I posted back in mid-March that started this strange journey of mine, my “Farewell to Arcadia Bay.”
As what happens so often with Life is Strange, I’ve spent a lot of time reflecting on the series since writing that original article, leading me to further understand more about myself and what these games mean to me. As I’ve stated before, I find that Life is Strange is a kind of mirror that shows you who you really are, and the kind of values you hold… if you’re willing to look. It really is the kind of fiction I love best, where the more you think about it, the more you discover, and the more you discover… the more you end up loving the series even more than...
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