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Recent content by darktruth

  1. darktruth

    Official Bubblegum Crisis & BGC-Universe Related Series Thread

    Well I discovered someone in Japan went to an exhibition that displayed a fan-made garage kit of the Griffon car from BGC OVA 4 - Revenge Road (4th image) It probably would look better if it was a finished prototype with full colour painted.
  2. darktruth

    Fate/Stay Night: Heaven's Feel Movies I-III

    Anybody else watching the planned movie trilogy for the 3rd and final route of the Fate/Stay Night anime series? I just recently got in my Japanese bluray import for the 2nd film, "Lost Butterfly", and watched movies 1 and 2 back to back. As always, ufotable did an excellent job in animating the...
  3. darktruth

    Official Bubblegum Crisis & BGC-Universe Related Series Thread

    Yuu Asakawa (BGC 2040 Priss) is coming to Madman Anime Festival in Melbourne this September. I wonder if I should get my rare BGC 2040 digital alarm clock signed by her if the convention allows her to sign fan brought stuff...
  4. darktruth

    KyoAni Studio Fire Arson Attack: At least 26 Dead :(

    https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-49027178 Much more detailed information from the BBC article link above. This is just sad and devastating for KyoAni :(. I remember enjoying and raving about some of their old anime series they've worked on like Clannad and Kanon. Sentai had created a...
  5. darktruth

    The Random Food Thread

    I'm tempted to try this if I ever get to travel to the US and visit New Orleans :XD: and that table for the Crawfish looks snazzy.
  6. darktruth

    Music: Physical vs Digital vs Streaming

    You make a good point regarding contracts and internet access. There are some music from local acts that I listened to growing up that don't even have their music available for streaming (or even for digital purchase) mostly due to licensing limbo and contract red tapes, and that's one of the...
  7. darktruth

    Music: Physical vs Digital vs Streaming

    So who here still buys music and/or which format do you mostly use now? I've been recently starting to stream more in regards to listening to new music, but I still purchase physical releases to some of my favourite artists. Just recently got in the limited edition translucent red vinyl of...
  8. darktruth

    Favourite Simpsons Clips & Quotes?

    Every Simpson dance now!! Bump! Bump! Bump-bump, Bump! :XD:
  9. darktruth

    The Random Memes Thread

    This recent Billie Eilish meme of Harry Potter still gives me a great laugh 😂😂, so how about a memes thread?
  10. darktruth

    Official Bubblegum Crisis & BGC-Universe Related Series Thread

    https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/c737620003 Anybody want those BGC film strips? XD, one of them contains the infamous Priss putting on her soft suit scene which I think would be quite valuable to some hardcore BGC collectors.
  11. darktruth

    Layers Of Fear 2

    The long awaited sequel to Layers Of Fear is out tomorrow! Here's a preview gameplay of the first chapter I assume. The setting for this one appears to be on a ship and you play as a film director. Will be curious on whether the gameplay is exactly the same as the first one but I'm more...
  12. darktruth

    The Random Food Thread

    I like the sashimi boat presentation at the end :XD:
  13. darktruth

    Favourite Simpsons Clips & Quotes?

    I don't know why but I randomly thought of this scene a few weeks ago and laughed inside my head lol
  14. darktruth

    "Observation" - Sci-Fi Thriller Game

    Anyone gonna be playing this game? I've already watched a playthrough of it and the game control mechanics looks very interesting. Think a better version of the Alien: Blackout mobile game fully developed for console gaming. The graphics and atmosphere is also a highlight, particularly when you...
  15. darktruth

    Random Funny Game Playthroughs

    I just started binge-watching Conan O'Brien's clueless gamer segments on youtube last night and his commentary on many of them were freakin' hilarious 😂. Here's two that made me laugh the most His and the audience's reaction at 6:12 mark hahaha His entire commentary throughout this one looooool