Star Wars: The Old Republic: The Former Legacy: The Untold Chapters
As promised, we’re taking a dive into the story of The Former Legacy, a Star Wars: The Old Republic fan fiction that I never completed, since, well… I’ve kinda fallen out of love with Star Wars due to… obvious reasons. I don’t consider myself a fan of the series any more and it’s something best left in the past.
With that said, I think I owe it to myself (and the theoretical people who read the first three chapters) to create an overview of the story that was meant to be. This will be done in dot-point form starting from the first chapter… however, chapter 4 in its unedited and incomplete state will be included in full along with the dot-point notes of the rest of the story all the way to the ending.
Chapter 1: Grinding the filth
Read the original Chapter 1 entry
- Chapter 1 opens with Lexiine Former and other members of a secret operations unit called “Ravage Squad” on assignment down in the lower sections of Nar Shaddaa.
- They’re following a lead on a shipment of specialised machinery that could be used to refine isotope-5 by the Sith Empire.
- Lexiine and her droid, HK-51. witness a meeting between a Sith apprentice and his contact and decide to strike while they have the advantage.
- They kill every one of the people in the meeting, the Imperial troops, the Sith apprentice and the Devaronian merchant they were meeting with, all in a spectacularly brutal manner.
- After acquiring the information from the Devaronian’s terminal, Lexiine and HK-51 meet up with their companion, Stikks, out in the hanger.
- Stikks is the explosives expert of the group and has covertly planted explosives on the cargo the Imperial troops have loaded onto their shuttle.
- Lexiine wastes no time and sets off the explosive charges, causing the shuttle to be propelled outside of the hanger and crash into the civilian areas below, causing massive collateral damage.
Chapter 2: Burning in memories
Read the original Chapter 2 entry
- The second chapter opens with a memory of a time when Lexiine was younger during the events of the Sacking of Coruscant that happened 13 years ago.
- The moments depicted here echo the events that occurred in the first chapter.
- However, unlike the first chapter where Lexiine was in control, the events that occur in this memory reveal a frightened and weak Lexiine Former.
- Lexiine awakens from the memory and we’re introduced to the fourth and final member of Ravage Squad, Torbin, who pilots their ship.
- We get a few moments between all the members of the squad while on their ship called the “Valkyrie Rising” before finally reaching their destination, Coruscant.
- The members of Ravage Squad, minus HK-51, meet with their commander, General Garza, and Jonas Balker, an operative of the Republic SIS.
- The squad is chewed out for their reckless behaviour during the last mission depicted in the previous chapter and the innocent lives it cost, but Lexiine doesn’t care.
- All three members of Ravage Squad present have been gravely affected by the Invasion of Coruscant that occurred 13 years ago.
- Lexiine and her squad are committed to do what they must to make sure the events that occurred in the past never happen again and to take down the Sith Empire.
Chapter 3: Too far, not far enough
Read the original Chapter 3 entry
- The third chapter opens with Lexiine and Stikks heading back to the ship after running some errands on Coruscant.
- However, before Lexiine heads back herself, she stops off at a cantina to be seen.
- Lexiine and Ravage Squad are are secret operations unit and Lexiine’s cover is a smuggler running out of Coruscant, sometimes working for the Republic.
- As what tends to happen inside a cantina in a Star Wars story, another customer can’t seem to shut his face and Lexiine shuts it for him.
- Later, Lexiine wakes up in her quarters on her ship to find that Stikks has changed HK-51’s personality matrix to be more agreeable… a little too agreeable and demands that Stikks change him back.
- Before we cut away to a different scene, Torbin announces that Ravage Squad has been told to receive new orders for a new mission on Carrick Station.
- The end of the chapter cuts to a mysterious character who is on Nar Shaddaa and making his way to the site where the events of the first chapter occurred.
- The mysterious character single=handedly dispatches a group of thugs with ease, using the power of the Force.
- It is revealed that this is the master of the Sith apprentice that was slain in the first chapter.
- He has come here to die, his mission has failed.
Chapter 4: The spark that lights the fire
With the first three chapters listed above with dot-point notes, here’s the full unedited and incomplete copy of chapter 4 that I never released… until now. The dot-point notes for chapter 4 will follow along with the rest of the unreleased story.

The spark that lights the fire
As far as their usual travel destinations went, Nar Shaddaa was the one place in the galaxy Vette knew best. In her younger years, this dreary, rotting moon was where she learned—the hard way—to fend for herself. Most importantly, she learned to cope with the galaxies wide varieties of revolting smells from spending so much time in Nar Shaddaa’s slums.
She would not quite call this place ‘home sweet home’ or ‘home rotting home’ as it may be, but she did appreciate the life lessons the infamous ‘Smuggler’s Moon’ had forced upon her throughout her early life. Those hard fought lessons allowed her to become a thief, pirate and hired assassin, somewhat successfully. . . almost, well enough. It must have been some kind of great cosmic joke the universe was playing on her, or maybe it was, what the Jedi would call, ‘the will of the Force,’ or something along those lines. Whatever it was, during Vette’s sixteenth time being imprisoned by the Sith Empire, she ended up meeting someone unexpected: a Sith warrior. This Sith was a mere acolyte at the time, but their chance meeting ended up changing Vette’s perception of who and what a person could become over the course of their lifetime. It certainly gave her second thoughts on her own worth in the grand scheme of all things.
Vette’s train of thought broke as the bright dazzling lights of Nar Shaddaa suddenly cut off into a wall of darkness beyond her own reflection staring back at her. The Twi’lek blinked her violet eyes to refocus her vision, realising the turbolift had descended further into Nar Shaddaa’s seedy underbelly via a shaft tunnel. She shifted her gaze over to her companion who stood with her back to the turbolift wall, her arms crossed, staring blankly ahead as she contemplated about whatever it was that Sith contemplate.
Her Sith companion was not that much taller than Vette, though their height was the only feature that defined any similarities between them. The woman who stood beside her was a pureblood Sith, or as close to pureblood as you could get being a member of the Sith species. Their race had bred with humans for so long that they no longer truly resembled their original form, though her crimson coloured skin and glowing red eyes were proof of her companion’s Sith heritage. As striking as her Sith features may be, she did have enough human blood in her to grow black hair that she tied around the back with an unassuming ornamental hairclip.
Vette angled her head to the side as she studied Silvana’s face. Hmm, I guess she kinda does look like a red-skinned human, now that I think about it, she mused.
This was the very same Sith who had taken her from her cell on Korriban in order to help breach the Tomb of Naga Sadow and claim an ancient lightsaber, the same Sith who, when leaving Korriban together, had removed the shock collar from around Vette’s neck as a gesture of thanks, freeing the Twi’lek from her captive state. After that point, Vette had the choice of going anywhere she pleased; somehow, she ended up staying with Silvana. Something about this Sith seemed. . . different.
They had come a long way together since that time, and Vette had learned that not all the stories told about the Sith were true. . . Okay, there are plenty of Sith who would rather tear your head straight off or torture you into submission, there was no denying that, but as Vette discovered from her travels with Silvana, the motivations of some Sith lords were more complex than just a simple lust for power. Many of them had their own reasons for wanting that power, and having the ability to control that power does allow them to do many terrible things, but rarely, as Silvana had shown her time after time, many wonderful things as well.
In some strange way, that is what scared her the most about her
Sith companion, it was too damned hard to tell what was going on in that head of hers. Usually the Sith were so overbearing with their theatricality and show of power. Power this, power that, anger, pain, fear, and all that other garbage, they wanted it all, but they lusted after the power itself most of all. They were predictable, almost simple-minded in their pursuit of all that power.
As for Silvana. . . Vette could never tell what she was going to do next; she clearly had her motivations for wanting power and used it to further her own ambitions, whatever they were. She was still a ruthless Sith lord, cutting her enemies to shreds, showing no mercy toward them at all, yet saving the lives of the innocent people she came across in their travels. Hell, she would not be surprised if Silvana did something completely crazy and pushed her up against the turbolift wall right now and— “Wait, where the hell is my mind leading me?” Vette blurted out suddenly.
Silvana’s gaze shifted to her blue-skinned companion, her red glowing eyes staring at the Twi’lek woman. She was not trying to intimidate Vette, but those eyes of hers only had one setting.
“What was that?” Silvana asked, her accent was more precise, regal sounding than Vette’s own roguish tongue. Apparently, Vette had broken her out of her train of thought too.
“Nothing,” Vette fumbled, “I like guys, I mean, you know, just. . . randomly. . . thinking.”
Vette trailed off, looking back outside the turbolift window through her reflection at the dark turbolift shaft wall in order to avoid eye contact with her companion.
“Vette, I swear you’ve gotten stranger over the few years we’ve known each other, it’s a wonder you don’t cause an intergalactic incident with that mouth of yours,” Silvana quipped, giving her Twi’lek friend a sly smile.
Vette looked back over at Silvana and gave the Sith a sheepish grin. “Oh, you know, just trying to keep the spark in the relationship
going, can’t let things get stale,” Vette explained, trying to use humour to suppress the awkwardness she was feeling.
As if she willed the universe into alignment to save herself from her own embarrassment, the turbolift slowed and finally came to a stop at their destination, the doors opening to a warm waft of foul air, signalling their arrival at the far depths of Nar Shaddaa’s undercity. While Silvana seemed to be ignoring the smell entirely, Vette exhaled a quiet sigh, wishing she had her friend’s level of discipline at withstanding the sudden change in air quality.
“On second thought, I’d rather the embarrassment over this filth,” Vette muttered to herself.
Silvana suddenly turned to Vette, cocking an eyebrow at the Twi’lek with a smirk on her face. “Come on lover girl,” she teased her companion as she exited the turbolift.
Vette’s eyes widened. “What?”
Silvana kept walking ahead, motioning her hand at the Twi’lek to follow. “I’m not waiting around for you all day; we’ve got a job to do.”
Vette let out another sigh and followed her, not so typical, Sith companion, rushing forward to catch up with her as they walked toward the entrance of a large docking bay. Silvana stopped at the entrance and inspected the disarray of the cargo area before them.
“Wow, looks like the people down here already cleared this place of anything valuable that wasn’t bolted down. . . that, or a drunken bantha came charging through,” Vette commented, looking around at the mess. “Hah, to be honest, I like to imagine the bantha explanation is the more plausible one.”
Vette glanced over at Silvana, hoping for a reaction, but found her companion frowning as she scanned the area in silence, as if for something very specific. Vette twisted her mouth in disappointment and continued to walk ahead of Silvana who soon followed behind.
Something caught Vette’s eye ahead, a smattering of vivid colour
around a horrific scene she had seen far too many times in her travels. A mass of corpses lay haphazardly on the ground, some no longer had their heads attached to their bodies.
“Okay!” Vette exclaimed, instinctively drawing both her blaster pistols from their holsters as she stared at the chaos of eviscerated bodies before her, trying not to fixate on them too much to lose the sense of her surroundings.
The roguish Twi’lek looked around for a moment. “Definitely not a drunken bantha,” she needlessly deduced, looking over to Silvana. “One of your Sith friends decide to redecorate?”
As Vette knelt down to inspect one of the bodies closest to her, her Sith companion stopped in place, turning her head to gaze at an opening that led into another area obscured by darkness.
Silvana proceeded slowly toward the opening while Vette stood back up and watched her companion. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up in anticipation, she did not have to be Force sensitive to feel that something bad was going to happen. She had a bad feeling about this and an even stronger inclination to stay closer to her Sith companion before whatever was going to happen caught her by surprise.
Vette rushed toward Silvana who stopped suddenly as she saw the shape of something sitting in the darkness a few metres ahead of them. As she slowed down to take a few extra, and very careful, steps behind Silvana, Vette finally spotting what the Sith had already sensed when they both entered the large cargo area.
Through the cloak of darkness, she made out the form of a human male with dark skin and long, black hair sitting in the middle of a room, his naked back facing them.
“The Emperor’s Wrath,” the man spoke with an ominous sounding voice, his back still facing them, not moving a muscle, “I’ve been expecting you. Though, I must admit, you have arrived much sooner than I anticipated.”
Silvana stood silently, her eyes locked on the man while Vette had her blasters trained on him, ready for anything. She had seen this man before, the man who sat unassumingly in the darkness before them was a Darth, a Dark Lord of the Sith, just like Silvana.
No, this man was not like Silvana, he was different; he cared nothing of the welfare of anyone but himself and would snuff out all those who would stand in his way in an instant without giving it a thought. It was clear who was responsible for the carnage behind them, this man was the kind of Sith lord that Vette despised.
It seemed strange that the man who sat before them, what she assumed was the way Sith were meant to be, held a lower ranking position to Silvana, the Emperor’s Wrath, one who answered to no one but the Emperor himself. Not even the Dark Council of the entire Sith Empire could question Silvana or her actions unless it directly threatened the Empire itself.
Keeping her blasters locked onto the Darth, Vette looked over to Silvana who remained silent, then back to her target who had still not moved a single muscle this entire time.
“Alright! Straight down to creepy Sith business. Grr,” Vette declared loudly in defiance of the silence.
“Silence your feeble blue worm, Wrath, before I break her.” The Darth’s sudden raised voice startled Vette who immediately stuck her tongue out at the Darth.
From her side, her Sith companion looked back at Vette and silently shook her head at her. While Vette did have a hard time reading her Sith companion, this gesture she knew very well. It was the universal signal for ‘shut up, you’re going to get yourself killed,’ one of Vette’s favourites.
Turning back to face the hostile Sith lord, Silvana finally spoke. “Hold your tongue, Lehraan,” she snarled at the other Sith, “you are not to speak to her like that.”
“Tell me why you are here,” Silvana finally asked.
The dark-skinned Sith stood up, his muscular body tightening as he tensed up. “To kill you.”
In a sudden burst of speed, the Darth launched himself at Silvana, instantly closing the large gap between the two Sith lords. Vette fired her blasters in vain; unable to track him fast enough as the hostile Sith used his hands as claws, slashing at Silvana.
With lightning reflexes, Silvana pushed herself back with the heel of her boot, giving her an extra amount of room to weave her body around Lehraan’s airborne strike, slipping straight past him, spinning her body to face him with his back toward her. Silvana could have struck a deadly blow at this very moment, but held back, she wanted answers and killing him now was not going to give her the information she required.
Lehraan grit his teeth as he slowly turned to face the Sith pureblood. Silvana saw the fury in his eyes; he had been waiting here for some time, but for what? His hatred fueled his dark side energy; it would not be easily broken. With a spin of his body, Lehraan launched a vicious kick into the air, targeting Silvana’s head, barely missing her as she jumped back to avoid his sudden attack.
The two faced off against each other as Lehraan shifted his body back into an aggressive stance, his hands extended toward his opponent like claws. Silvana already knew of Lehraan’s cybernetic enhanced arms, a single strike could rip through flesh like an over-ripened fruit and shatter durasteel. Many underestimated Lehraan’s skill without a lightsaber, but Silvana was better than that, she had broken him before, if she had to, she would do it again.
Silvana closed her eyes and breathed, shifting her body into a defensive stance, channeling the Force to allow herself to react quicker to Lehraan’s attacks. To defeat a Sith lord, you must use his aggression against him, a common weakness among many Sith, a weakness strongly amplified in Lehraan with his current state.
Vette grit her teeth as she aimed her blasters at Lehraan. She could probably squeeze off a few rounds of her blaster pistols right now, but with Silvana standing so close, it was too dangerous. The Twi’lek swore under her breath, a stray blaster bolt could easily end up hitting her companion instead of her target.
Lehraan spat on the ground in front of Silvana. “Do not mock me!”
Silvana’s muscles relaxed as Lehraan lunged at her again, closing her eyes. She could “see” the minute fluctuations in air around her in her mind, allowing her to process her opponent’s aggressive lunge toward her with a slowed sense of time. Silvana bent her knees and tightening her leg muscles and in an instant, she launched herself into the air above Lehraan who was captive to his own momentum.
Lehraan’s extended clawed hands ripped straight through the stack of two durasteel crates that were behind Silvana’s previous position, shattering them both. Vette watch in amazement at the amazing display between the two Dark Lords of the Sith, but immediately snapped back to attention, realising she had found her shot.
The Twi’lek rogue took aim, however, the hostile Sith snapped his attention toward her, his power warning him of her incoming attack. Using the Force, he took hold of the shattered pieces of durasteel and sent them flying at Vette.
With a high-pitched squeal of terror, Vette threw herself out of the way and behind a stack of durasteel crates near her position. The shards struck the floor at her previous position and the crates she used as refuge.
As he shifted his weight to focus back on his primary target, he felt the full force of Silvana’s heavy boot across his face as she struck him with a powerful roundhouse kick, knocking him to the ground, his body spinning as he landed on the cold floor. Silvana immediately
slammed the heel of her boot down toward Lehraan’s head but he quickly pushed his arms out at the ground underneath him, allowing him to jump back onto his feet.
Silvana attempted to spin her body to perform another kick, but Lehraan used this opportunity to direct a Force blast toward the Sith pureblood, pushing her back a few metres, sending her stumbling onto her knee.
Not waiting for his foe to recover, he channeled the power of the Force again, taking more shattered pieces of durasteel and hurling them toward Silvana. With a great deafening roar, Silvana use a Force amplified scream to overpower the trajectory of the shards, sending them flying back toward Lehraan who somehow managed to jump out of the way of the incoming projectiles, diving into a roll.
As Lehraan regained his balance on his knee, he summoned as much power as he could, tapping into his dark energy and launching whole durasteel crates at Silvana who dodged each of them skillfully. He intensified his attack, throwing more crates at her in all directions until one of them finally caught her, slamming her into another stack of crates that lost their balance and tumbled down on top of her, burying her.
Through this demonstration of Force abilities, Vette had climbed her way up to a higher vantage point and aimed her blasters down at Lehraan, firing off a few rounds. Lehraan jumped back, but her blasters fire was on point this time and struck the Sith lord’s extended palm.
Vette blinked. “Blast it!” she exclaimed, realising he had used his cybernetic hand to neutralise her blaster bolts as a threat.
The Dark Lord of the Sith narrowed his eyes on the blue Twi’lek, reaching his arm outstretch to the side. Vette watched as a lightsaber seemingly threw itself toward the dark-skinned man. He caught it and ignited the blade in a furious spark of red. The blade’s energy
fluctuated and buzzed with power as he strode toward her, his eyes locked onto his new target.
Vette’s eyes widened, this was not good. “Silvana,” she called out for help, trying not to panic, “the galaxy is about to be down one cute Twi’lek!”
With a grunt, Lehraan jumped high into the air with his lightsaber above his head, ready to strike her down. Vette flinched, unable to react fast enough against the Force wielder.
In a blaze of speed, a blur of red and purple shot out of a small mountain of crates. Lehraan’s aerial assault came to a sudden end as Silvana’s fist dug deep into Lehraan’s cheek, sending him face first into the ground and hitting it with a heavy thud, his grip loosening on his lightsaber, allowing it to slide across the duracrete floor and deactivate a few metres away.
Silvana landed on the ground near her opponent, she braced herself from the impact of her landing, getting down on one knee, her head down and her arms stretched out behind her with both lightsabers in her hands. She looked up, focusing her red glowing eyes forward on Lehraan who still lay on the ground.
Silvana grit her teeth, igniting her dual lightsabers in a brilliant flash of purple. “Do you want me to kill you?” she snarled at her opponent who slowly got to his feet.
Standing straight, Lehraan called his lightsaber back to his hand once more and reignited its blade, finally, their dual to the death would begin.
“That is precisely why you are here.”
Silvana frowned at Lehraan’s statement, but before she had any time to question it, he charged at her, striking his lightsaber down at her with both hands. Using both of her lightsabers crossed together, she blocked the incoming attacked and twisted her body to allow her to kick her opponent in the gut, making him reel back from her. Silvana wasted no time, launching a ravaging string of attacks on
Lehraan one after the other as he stumbled back, barely able to block and dodge the incoming strikes with his single lightsaber.
Vette watched, unable to get a clear target acquisition of the enemy with Silvana engaging him in combat at close range. She felt useless in this fight, but she took solace in knowing that Silvana had heard her call for help and saved her life once again.
Lehraan jumped out of Silvana’s relentless assault, using the Force to send him flying back beyond her reach and throwing his lightsaber at his foe as he landed on his feet. Silvana instinctively jumped over the spinning lightsaber and stabbed down at Lehraan who jumped away again.
Without losing sight of him, she shifted the grip on the lightsaber in her left hand flipping it back allowing the length of the blade to cover her back, striking against Lehraan’s lightsaber as it attempted to return to him. The force of the strike changes the trajectory of the airborne lightsaber, sending it high into the air.
Lehraan jumped high, catching his lightsaber in the air. Silvana seized the opportunity and launched another Force scream at her opponent; the roaring wave of kinetic energy caught him and threw him back into the rear wall of the room. Silvana deactivated her lightsabers clipped them back to her belt as she launched herself toward Lehraan in a blaze of speed.
Lehraan landed on his feet, but before he had time to regain his balance, Silvana’s knee dug into his gut, causing him to reel his head forward, in an instant, and Silvana’s elbow struck him in the back of the neck. She was not giving him a single moment to recover; she grabbed his hair and pulled his face back up and head-butted him. As a Sith pureblood, her skull’s bone density was much greater than that of a human and her strike hit him hard enough to put him into a daze.
It still was not enough; Silvana jumped back and spun her body, extending her leg as she used the Force to strengthen her blow. Her
boot struck him directly on his jaw, sending his body head first into the wall. The back of Lehraan’s head hit the wall and he slide down into a lazy seated position, his legs stretched out before him.
Silvana stared down at the lesser Sith lord as he lay unconscious, wondering what game he was playing with her, attacking her all of a sudden. She didn’t expect to find him here in the first place, could it be possible that the events that occurred here two days ago are related to Lehraan in some way?
The Emperor’s Wrath looked over at her companion who had jumped down from her perch and walked toward her.
“It’s okay,” she assured her companion, “he’s out cold.”
“Yeah, sure,” Vette replied, “but he’s going to be royally steamed when he wakes back up.”
“Indeed he will, but at least he’ll give us time to talk instead of launching into a pointless battle.”
Vette looked down at the Sith lord, his face bloodied from the vicious assault that was handed to him moments before. “So, what?” Vette asked, not liking this situation at all, “we wait?”
Silvana nodded at her Twi’lek friend. “We wait.”
Lehraan’s eyes snapped open and he immediately stretched his hand out to call for his lightsaber.
“Looking for this?” a familiar voice asked him.
Letting his hand drop to his side, he looked up at the crimson-skinned Sith pureblood who stood over him, his lightsaber in her hand. “Perhaps you’re in more of a mood to talk now,” the Emperor’s Wrath suggested, “or would you rather I went back to pummeling you into submission?”
He wiped the blood from his lips with the back of his hand. “Spare me your pathetic negotiation tactics, Wrath. Fight me like a Sith!”
“Your request is denied,” she stated flatly, “you are going to sit
there and explain your actions. Why are you here?”
“Damn you, wretch,” he spat.
“Explain yourself, Lehraan,” she ordered, staring down at him.
Lehraan leaned his head back and looked up. “One of us will die here, Wrath. You know this, which is why you came.”
Silvana cocked an eyebrow at the Sith sitting before her. “You pathetic old fool,” she told him, “I didn’t even know you were here on Nar Shaddaa. I came here on a mission of my own.”
A moment of silence followed, Vette watched the two Sith, making sure not let herself slip out a sarcastic comment.
Suddenly, Lehraan burst out laughing, his deep laughter echoing through the room and escaping into the cargo area outside. “You mean to tell me, you weren’t sent here by the dark council?”
Silvana stared down at him silently.
“You don’t even know what has transpired here, do you?” he asked, his composure returning to him as he paused for a moment. “Indeed, I am an old fool. I miscalculated the dark council’s watchful eye over me and assumed they had already learned of my apprentice’s failure.”
“Go on.”
Lehraan dragged his foot closer to himself, resting his elbow on his raised knee. “You know of my dealings with the dark council, yes?” he asked.
“Indeed,” Silvana confirmed. “The council gave you one last chance to prove your worth to the Empire.”
“Yes, a deal was struck between myself and the dark council after a series of failed experiments. However, a single experiment did succeed. One that would yield the creation of a weapon of unimaginable power created from samples of isotope-5 that Darth Marr had entrusted to me quite some time ago. In return, all I asked of them were large quantities of isotope-5 and time to gather the necessary resources to build them their weapon.”
Silvana eyed him. “This is why Darth Marr asked me to lead the strike force to Makeb in order to secure their stores of isotope-5.”
Lehraan nodded and continued to explain his plan. “Indeed, without such quantities, I would not be able to find the correct method to convert the element into a usable form for the weapon on a large scale. The weapon required the isotope-5 to be refined in a precise manner and I knew of only one refining process that could accomplish it. After months of searching, I finally tracked down a black market merchant here on Nar Shaddaa who possessed the components necessary to build such refinery units. As time was running short and the dark council becoming impatient, I sent my apprentice in my stead to retrieve the units.”
Silvana looked over at the dark scorch mark that blemished the surface of the duracrete floor, the last thing that remained of Lehraan’s apprentice.
“Obviously things didn’t go according to plan,” she commented.
Lehraan grit his teeth. “No, they did not,” he growled. “Somehow, the Republic defeated my apprentice and the shuttle carrying the refinery units was destroyed. I sensed his demise and came here myself. I had foolishly hoped to find more of the same components within the merchant’s stocks, however, as you can see; they have already been cleared out. All that remains is useless to me.”
Silvana crossed her arms. “Why do you need these specific components for your refinery units?”
Lehraan looked in Silvana’s direction, not adjusting his sight line to look up at her. “They are of ancient Rakatan origin,” he told her. “The damned fool did not even know what he had. Now, with the units destroyed and the rest of the components scattered throughout the depths of this incessant cesspool of filth, I no longer have a viable means to produce the weapon I had promised the dark council.”
“I see,” Silvana nodded. “This is why you assumed my coming here was to kill you for your failure.”
Lehraan looked straight ahead and closed his eyes. “Yes,” he told her flatly.
The Sith pureblood shook her head down at the man. “I came here in order to investigate a secret unit within the Republic responsible for the deaths of a number of Sith, an inexplicably long list of high ranking Imperial personnel and citizens of the Empire who just happened to get in their way. I believe they are the ones responsible for the death of your apprentice and the resulting carnage caused by the shuttle explosion.”
Silvana stared at Lehraan whose eyes had suddenly opened wide in realisation. He stood up and faced the Emperor’s Wrath.
“You know who did this?” he asked, expecting an answer.
Silvana remained silent, shaking her head at him. “Not precisely,” she admitted, “as you may have already deduced, Republic intelligence have done all they can to hold onto their little secret as evidenced by the state of this cargo port. However, I may know of a means to discover the identities of the unit that killed your apprentice.”
As Lehraan took a step toward her, Silvana stood her ground, eyeing the taller man. “Wrath,” he said to her, “if you discover the identities of the perpetrators, you must tell me!”
Silvana cocked an eyebrow at Lehraan, intrigued by his sudden outburst.
“My life is now forfeit,” he continued, “I know that, but you must let me hunt your quarry.”
The Dark Lord of the Sith clenched his fist tightly. “I must have my revenge!”
The Emperor’s Wrath sensed the anger flowing through the lesser Sith lord, his lust for vengeance seething from him like ethereal flames. She considered his words; she could easily kill him this very instant and be done with him forever. However, he may still be of some use to the Empire, even in his current pathetic state.
I hope you enjoyed the unedited form of Chapter 4. I guess it was 98% complete and I simply got too busy and forgot about it. Oh, well… it’s out now! With that, here’s the overview…
- The Emperor’s Wrath, also known as Silvana and her companion Vette are following the trail of a Republic agent responsible for killing many citizens of the Empire.
- When they arrive, they encounter a Sith lord named Lehraan.
- After a battle due to a misunderstanding, the two Sith form an agreement.
- They are to work together to find out who the Republic assassin is that has been slaying their forces and take them down.
- However, Lehraan has other plans, he doesn’t simply want to eliminate the assassin that killed his apprentice.
The Untold Chapters
Here we go, from here on out, it’s content that either has partially written scenes or were simply notes that I wrote as an outline.

Chapter 5: Operation: Czerka
- The next chapter focuses our attention back on Ravage Squad as they’re heading into their new mission after receiving orders on Carrick Station.
- Their mission is to capture a former Czerka scientist now employed by the Sith Empire who has a research facility on Taris where he and his family are being hidden from the rest of the galaxy.
- Republic SIS has information that this scientist was working for the Sith lord involved in the acquisition of refinery parts from the previous mission.
- On the way, Stikks has partially fixed HK-51’s personality matrix, however the droid still has moments where his personality fluctuates, causing some very awkward moments throughout the rest of the story.
- Ravage Squad proceeds with their mission and infiltrates the facility. Taking Stikk’s advice into consideration, Lexiine, Stikks and HK-51 opt for a more stealthy approach.
- When they finally reach the former Czerka scientist, he resists and Lexiine threatens the life of his family after they are discovered by HK-51.
- HK-51 goes along with this plan but Stikks is distressed at this turn of events.
- The former Czerka scientist gives in, striking a deal with Lexiine and giving them information about his experiments.
- It is revealed that the former Czerka scientist works for a Sith lord named Lehraan who has him conducting experiments with Rakatan technology in relation to isotope-5. He is unsure what the Sith lord intends to do with his experiments, however, the information he will provide to the Republic may help them.
- In exchange for the information, he asks that he be held in protective custody by the Republic as his employer’s mission has failed, meaning he and his family will be killed to tie up loose ends.
- Lexiine agrees and smuggles the former Czerka scientist and his family off Taris.
Chapter 6: Rendezvous on Dromund Kaas
- Meanwhile, Silvana and Vette have arrived on the Imperial capital world of Dromund Kaas to meet with a contact in order to get more information on the Republic assassin they’re investigating.
- After a series of clandestine attempts at communication, they are finally able to meet with a former Imperial Agent known as Fiora.
- Silvana has worked with Fiora in the past and the two have a working relationship.
- Silvana has been feeding Fiora information since she started her investigation on the Republic assassin she’s looking for.
- Using her skills, Fiora is able to piece together information about a Republic Operative called “Delta” who may be the person Silvana is hunting.
- While they don’t have any hard information on Delta herself, she did discover a lead on a member of her team, a Cathar.
- Silvana informs Fiora of Lehraan’s interest in Delta.
- Fiora has doubts about Lehraan’s loyalty to the Empire as she has discovered that he may have plans that threaten its survival.
- Silvana takes her warning into consideration as they go their separate ways.
- With the information she has received, Silvana decides to play the Lehraan and Delta against each other to lure out Delta and discover Lehraan’s true plans.
Chapter 7: His dark designs
- Lehraan is contacted by Silvana and she relays information about Delta and her Cathar subordinate.
- The two spar over their motives and Lehraan assures Silvana that his motivation is to help her with her mission in order to regain favour with Darth Marr due to his influence over the other Dark Lords of the Sith.
- The two Sith agree to cooperate in luring out Delta and Silvana allows Lehraan to enact his revenge upon her.
- As their communication ends, Lehraan sifts through the information that has been transmitted to him and begins executing his plan for revenge.
- Lehraan also muses about the feeling he felt while he was sitting in front of the scorched area where his apprentice fell on Nar Shaddaa. He felt a familiar presence in the malice he felt on that location that intrigued him.

Chapter 8: Returning to zero
- Ravage Squad returns to Carrick Station and hands over the Czerka scientist and his family over to Republic SIS who take them into custody.
- The members of Ravage Squad decide to stay on the station for a while and relax since they won’t need to do anything until they are contacted for their next mission.
- As Lexiine, Stikks and Torbin are eating in a private VIP restaurant in the upper levels of Carrick Station, Stikks comments how their last mission went better than expected despite what happened at the end with the Czerka scientists family.
- Lexiine admits that she tried to restrain herself because of Stikks but tells her that she can’t promise this is the way it’s going to be every mission.
- Torbin is also impressed by the outcome of the mission as this is the first time the squad has left a mission this smoothly and without collateral damage.
- Eventually, the three part ways and go about their own errands in different parts of the space station.
- While Lexiine is alone, she receives a communication from an automated program she set up that scans holo-communications for important information related to Ravage Squad.
- The information she reads has her immediately sprinting in the direction she last saw Stikks.
- Somehow, someone had tied Stikks to the destruction of the Imperial shuttle on Nar Shaddaa and the Hutt Cartel are demanding, very publicly, that the Republic hand over Stikks who they think is a private citizen of the Republic who has become a terrorist.
- When Lexiine finds Stikks, she is in a store looking at various wares, unaware that she is in danger.
- Lexiine vowed that whatever happens, Stikks would never be thrown into a cage ever again like she had been as a child by Imperial slavers.
- In that moment, Lexiine makes the decision to betray the Republic and help Stikks escape.
- After trying to half covertly, half casually make their way through the station while explaining the situation to Stikks, some Republic soldiers spot them and move towards them.
- Lexiine and Stikks aren’t sure whether the Republic soldiers have heard the news yet and try to play it casually.
- The soldiers are trying to be delicate, but Lexiine realises very quickly that they’re here to apprehend Stikks and decides to act.
- Lexiine stuns the Republic soldiers and makes a break for it with Stikks as other Republic soldiers who were hiding in cover go after them.
- In the ensuing chase, Lexiine rampages through Carrick Station, misdirecting the Republic soldiers while she has Stikks stay out of sight.
- Lexiine manages to cause quite a lot of damage to the station, enough that parts of its power grid have been disabled. She uses this opportunity to smuggle Stikks aboard a freighter that has a captain who illegally departs the station out of fear.
- As the ship leaves, Lexiine decides it is best to cause more trouble on the station to mask Stikk’s escape.
- Eventually, Lexiine is finally stunned and captured.
Chapter 9: Forward into exile
- This chapter follows Stikks as she tries to make her way to the safe-house on Tatooine.
- However, the freighter she had boarded arrived on Alderaan, now she has to try to find a way to avoid both Republic and Imperial forces on Alderaan and find a ship that will take here to her destination.
- Stikks isn’t use to fending for herself, but she has to be brave in order to make sure she and Lexiine will meet again.
- She manages to find a smuggler who will take her to Tatooine.
- Meanwhile Lexiine wakes up inside a cell on Carrick Station and is quick to make her escape.
- She has already planned well ahead for a situation like this and has created a bypass for all the cells on Carrick Station.
- Despite her earlier efforts to get Stikks off the station, if she goes ahead with this plan, it will mean that she has officially become an enemy of the Galactic Republic.
Chapter 10: Rogue
- Lexiine enacts her plan to escape Carrick Station.
- She uses a seemingly innocuous metal button on the side of her tube top that sends a pulse through the force field of the cell.
- The resulting pulse feeds power back into the device, powering it and allowing it to send out a signal to other devices Lexiine planted on the rest of the station that activate.
- The devices cause a chain reaction of events that disable the entirety of Carrick Station and open all the cells to the prison level of the station.
- Using the chaos as cover, Lexiine makes her way to escape the station, but not before receiving another message… from Stikks.
- Lexiine realises very quickly that this message isn’t from Stikks herself, rather, someone is using Stikks to send her a message telling her to come meet them where this all began… on Nar Shaddaa.
- Fearing the worst, Lexiine boards the ‘Valkyrie Rising’ and is about to depart. She hesitates for a moment as she has to make the decision to leave Torbin behind.
- However, she knows that he will be fine since the Republic won’t pin her actions on him, but the feeling of regret remains with her.
- Lexiine departs for Nar Shaddaa, taking HK-51 with her.

Chapter 11: The hunted
- A day and a half has passed and the members of Havoc Squad arrive on Carrick Station which is still undergoing heavy repairs.
- They have received orders from General Garza to hunt down and apprehend a rogue operative known as Delta and hand her over to Republic SIS.
- Havoc Squad decides to begin their search by interrogating Torbin who remained on Carrick Station.
- However, the interrogation goes better than expected as Torbin is more than willing to help with whatever they need despite Tanno Vik wanting to give the kid a once over with his fist.
- Torbin knows that the commander of Havoc Squad, Lynk Former is Lexiine’s older brother.
- Lynk has no knowledge that his sister has survived the events of the Sacking of Coruscant from 13 years ago.
- Torbin makes a deal with Lynk, telling him that he will tell him everything he knows as well as where he can find “Delta” as long as he can come with them.
- However, due to Lexiine’s identity being held as top secret information, Torbin cannot reveal her identity to Lynk and only gives him a general description of her clothing.
- Lynk accepts and Torbin accompanies them to their destination, Tatooine.
- However, as they depart from Carrick Station, Lynk receives a message from an unlikely source… someone who he has worked with before to defeat a common enemy.
- The mysterious person assures Lynk that they have mutual interests and would not lead them astray as they will need to work together as they did in the past.
- Havoc Squad changes course and heads for Nar Shaddaa, much to Torbin’s surprise.
- When they arrive on Nar Shaddaa, Havoc Squad splits into different teams.
- Lynk Former and Elara Dorne search the upper sections of the city.
- Aric Jorgan and Yuun search the lower sections.
- Tanno Vik and M1-4X take Torbin to secure the Valkyrie Rising.
Chapter 12: End of line
- As Lynk Former and Elara Dorne are searching for any signs of the rogue operative known as Delta, they encounter HK-51 who attacks them immediately.
- Lexiine had ordered the droid to stay behind and cover her in case the Republic found their trail as she went to search for Stikks and her captor.
- As HK-51 has both Lynk and Elara pinned down, we cut to Tanno Vik and M1-4X, along with Torbin who have found the Valkyrie Rising in an abandoned hanger.
- However, before they are able to board the ship, Torbin activates a hidden trap on his hover chair that sends out a pulse that stuns Tanno Vik and disables M1-4X for a moment.
- As M1-4X begins to regain control, Torbin has already boarded the Valkyrie Rising and uses its cannons to shoot at the droid, destroying its weaponry and damaging the droid’s right arm before flying out of the hanger.
- Cutting back to Lynk and Elara, the two come up with a plan to combat the droid.
- Lynk uses his Vanguard abilities to draw its attention while Elara prepares a device that will temporarily disable the droid’s optical sensors.
- As the battle progresses, Lynk manages to get an advantage on the droid, allowing Elara to active the device and catch HK-51 off-guard.
- However, the droid is too clever for them, or so it thought. It switches its optical sensors off and relies on its array of other sensors to continue the fight.
- Using this to his advantage, Lynk continues his attack on the droid, overwhelming its other sensors with a constant barrage of attacks and keeping its attention.
- With its attention fully on Lynk, Elara is able to set traps for the droid.
- Lynk lures HK-51 into the traps and defeats the droid.
- However, while the droid has received critical damage to its frame, it hasn’t been completely destroyed and shuts down instead.
Chapter 13: The descent
- Meanwhile, Aric Jorgan and Yuun descend to the lower levels of Nar Shaddaa and encounter a Jedi named Jaesa Willsaam.
- The two ask for the Jedi’s help and she is more than willing to help them on their mission into the undercity.
- With Jaesa’s help, Aric Jorgan and Yuun discover a human that appears to be the person they’re looking for as matched by the clothing description that Torbin had given them.
- They find themselves in the same hanger area depicted in the first chapter, where Lexiine, Stikks and HK-51 watched the shuttle explosion.
- Jorgan and Yuun are about to strike when Jaesa stops them. She senses another presence approaching and convinces the two to hold back and watch for a moment.
- They witness Delta with a Sith lord and listen to their conversation.
- Cutting to Lexiine’s perspective, she demands to know what this Sith lord has done with Stikks.
- However, the Sith lord seems to be more interested in Lexiine than in revealing where he has taken Stikks.
- A fight breaks out between Lexiine and the Sith lord, however, without her companions, Lexiine is at a severe disadvantage.
- The Sith lord is toying with her and she can’t seem to do anything against him. He is beating her without the use of his lightsaber and every blow is becoming harder and harder to bare for Lexiine.
- After thrashing Lexiine to within an inch of her life, she lays on the ground, unable to move.
- Cutting back to the three witnessing the battle, they see the Sith lord pick Delta up by her neck and brings her face close to him to whisper something to her.
- Jorgan and Yuun aren’t able to hear what is being said, however, Jaesa is able to hear them using her Force abilities.
- The Sith lord throws Lexiine to the ground, laughs and is about to retreat.
- Jorgan takes aim at the Sith lord but Jaesa stops him, allowing the Sith lord to leave.
- Instead they go to retrieve Delta who is still laying on the ground but are stopped by an emergency communication from Tanno Vik who informs them that Torbin has betrayed them.
- As the Valkyrie Rising breaches the hanger’s force field, Jorgan tells Vik that he’s too late with his report.
- Jorgan tells Jaesa to use her Force powers to stop the ship, however, she doesn’t respond.
- Jorgan turns to find that Jaesa isn’t with them, she has disappeared.
- Unable to do anything as the ship’s guns are trained on their location, Jorgan and Yuun witness Delta muster up the last of her strength and board the ship
- They are powerless to stop it and watch it leave with Delta aboard.
- Over the comms, Lynk informs Jorgan and Yuun that they’re on the ship after retrieving the HK-51 droid and will be there to pick them up shortly after collecting Tanno Vik and M1-4X.

Chapter 14: Starbound
- Lexiine is dreaming, the same memory that haunted her a few days ago, the moment she was trapped in the dark after encountering the Sith during the Sacking of Coruscant.
- She is holding the head of her dying older brother in her lap, blood dripping onto her from a wound on his head.
- This is the young Lynk Former who was injured by the Sith lord they had encountered before getting trapped under rubble.
- The two are orphans on Coruscant and have only had each other to rely on.
- Lynk’s breath is becoming shallower and she doesn’t know what to do.
- After a time a series of explosions nearby ends up shifting the rubble that has entombed them both, revealing a small gap.
- Lexiine realises the gap is large enough for her to crawl through, but her brother is too large to fit through.
- The situation is becoming more dire as the sounds of explosions and chaos seem to be getting closer to their position.
- Lexiine is starting to panic, she doesn’t know what to do, she can’t leave her brother but she doesn’t want to die.
- As the explosions and chaos outside get louder, she is screaming to herself inside her own head, trying to figure out what to do.
- Then, a moment of silence.
- She sets her brother’s head down on the ground and begins to crawl through the gap and makes her escape.
- Lexiine tries to scream and wakes up in a Kolto tank. She takes a moment to realise where she is.
- Her injuries have been healed which means it has been at least a day since she was on Nar Shaddaa.
- Climbing out of the Kolto tank, she makes her way out of the medical bay completely naked, dripping Kolto everywhere.
- She heads to her quarters and gets dressed, remembering what the Sith lord had whispered to her.
- After getting dressed, she heads straight to the cockpit and finds Torbin there.
- He seems embarrassed and doesn’t want to look Lexiine in the eye since he had to get Lexiine out of her clothes and into the Kolto tank.
- Torbin explains that they’re hiding in an asteroid field while he waited for her to wake up but doesn’t turn to face her.
- Lexiine assures him that she’s grateful to him and that he shouldn’t feel that way since he saved her life, even managing to get her into the tank despite his state.
- She thanks him and apologises for leaving him behind on Carrick Station, still feeling the guilt from her decision.
- Torbin promises Lexiine that they’ll save Stikks together and Lexiine promises not to leave Torbin again.
- As they’re making their promises, a warning siren begins to chirp, warning of a ship approaching their location.
- It’s a BT-7 Thunderclap, Havoc Squad had found them and Torbin makes a horrible realisation.
- Somehow Tanno Vik had managed to stick a device to his hover chair that was immune to the stun pulse he had used on them back on Nar Shaddaa.
- Usually the stun pulse would have disabled any foreign devices attached to the hover chair, but Tanno Vik was one step ahead of Torbin.
- Lexiine helps Torbin locate the device and destroys it, then straps in as Torbin is about to do some fancy flying.
- The Valkyrie Rising and its pursuer begin to fly through the asteroid field.
- Torbin pulls every trick in the book but is surprised that the BT-7 is able to keep up.
- As Torbin is flying the ship, Lexiine begins to realise something… she can’t do this alone, she needs help.
- She knows the commanding officer of Havoc Squad is her older brother, she knows that he managed to survive after she abandoned him to die all those years ago.
- She used the excuse of having a top secret assignment as a reason not to find a way to contact him to let him know she was still alive and well, but the truth is that she was too ashamed to face him.
- As she struggles with this in her mind, finally, she tells Torbin to disengage the engines as she opens a channel to Havoc Squad.
- “To Major Lynk Former, the commanding officer of Havoc Squad… This is the commanding officer of Ravage Squad… Captain Lexiine Former… we surrender.”
Chapter 15: Ravage/Havoc
- The BT-7 Thunderclap and the Valkyrie Rising have docked. Members of Havoc Squad have boarded and apprehended the two Ravage Squad members aboard their ship.
- Tanno Vik carries Torbin into the main section of Havoc Squads ship and sets him down on a chair. They have purposefully left the hover chair on the Ravage Squad ship just in case it has any more surprises.
- Elara Dorne scans Torbin for any devices he may have on him.
- Soon, Aric Jorgan and Yuun escort Lexiine into the main section as well.
- Lexiine’s heart is racing and she is nervous about what is about to happen.
- Lynk Former enters the main section from his quarters and his eyes lock onto Lexiine who reflexively looks away from him in shame as she’s being led away.
- Jorgan sits her down in the medical bay and stays there with her to keep an eye on her.
- Elara notices this interaction and goes over to Lynk, telling him that she should leave the interrogation to her.
- Lynk assures her that he is able to do his job and heads into the medical bay, immediately asking Jorgan to leave. He hesitates but complies.
- He stares at her for the longest time, then finally says “I thought you were dead.”
- However, before he can continue, Lexiine blurts out, “I know I have no right to ask this of you, but you have to help me, you’re my only hope! Not just for Stikks, but to stop that madman from activating his device!”
- Lynk immediately snaps his attention onto what she just said and tells her to explain everything.
- Lexiine explains that Ravage Squad had inadvertently ruined the plans of a Sith lord who was using a refined form of isotope-5 to create a device that would render hyperspace travel impossible.
- She explained that while he doesn’t have enough material to complete the device in its final form, if he overloads the device and blows up the planet that it’s on, it will create a field that will encompass the entire galaxy, making hyperspace travel impossible for thousands of years.
- She reveals that the planet that his lab is located on is Oricon and that he had allied himself with the Dread Masters to create this weapon in secret from the eyes of the Empire.
- The Sith lord told her that he has invited her to the planet for one last chance at fighting him and save her friend.
- Worst still, there isn’t time to call in the Republic fleet, it would have to be the members of both squads working together to stop this on their own.
- While he had not seen his younger sister since she was a child, Lynk immediately trusted in her words and agreed to help.
- The Squads immediately went into action. Torbin and Yuun worked together to synchronise the hyperspace computers of both ships so that they were able to arrive at Oricon faster and engaged the hyperdrive.
- The two squads would have to come together and plan their attack on the Sith lord while they traveled to their destination.
Chapter 16: Nullspace
- As the two ships are nearing their destination of Oricon, M1-4X is inspecting the remains of HK-51 when the droids activates itself much to M1-4X’s surprise.
- M1-4X explains that the two are allies now and are on their way to defeat a Sith lord that nearly killed Lexiine and is now a threat to the entire galaxy.
- HK-51 laments that his defeat has left him disabled and unable to help in any way.
- Meanwhile, as the rest of the two squads are making final preparations, the ships begin to shake violently.
- Torbin orders Havoc Squad to synchronise the jump out of hyperspace because whatever is happening isn’t due to either of their ships, it’s an external force that is affecting them.
- The two ships jump out of hyperspace together and are still some distance away from Oricon.
- It appears that Lehraan has activated his device and that it has begun affecting the surrounding space of Oricon. Hyperspace travel is now impossible where they are.
- If they’re unable to stop him here, Oricon will explode and the device will corrupt hyperspace throughout the galaxy for thousands of years.
- As they approach the planet, they scan the surface and discover a number of facilities that read of isotope-5 reactions under the surface of the planet.
- The two members of Ravage Squad go back to their ship and prepare for the operation.
- The Valkyrie Rising will land on the planet first and Lexiine will confront Lehraan as planned.
- Meanwhile, the forces of Havoc Squad will make a covert approach to the planet and go after the isotope-5 facilities.
- As the Valkyrie Rising lands on Oricon, she is again contacted by Stikks… rather, her captor, Lehraan, who instructs her as to his location.
- Torbin wishes her luck but feels useless in this situation. Lexiine assures him that when the time comes, his expertise will be needed to get them the hell out of there, as he always has.

Chapter 17: Venom
- Lexiine finally finds her way to Lehraan who is out in the open with Stikks who appears to be just standing there next to him.
- As she approaches, Lehraan welcomes her as his daughter but Lexiine doesn’t believe him.
- He goes on to explain that when he saw him for the first time, he recognised her immediately as she resembles a woman named “Varactyl” who he knows from his past.
- Lexiine is angered by this as she doesn’t want to be associated with the Sith, the people who have done nothing but cause her pain her entire life.
- Lehraan taunts her even further, telling her that she will die here with him and that his true legacy will not be her, rather it will be the destruction of Oricon, which will corrupt hyperspace for thousands of years.
- Lexiine tries to attack Lehraaan, but he sends out a series of floating assassin droids that force Lexiine into cover.
- As Lexiine is in cover, she can hear Lehraan continue to explain his failed plan.
- He explains that he discovered that the ancient Rakata had experimented with many forms of hyperspace travel before opting for the type that used the dark side of the Force to travel through hyperspace.
- The reason why they chose this method was because their first attempt at hyperspace travel ended up creating a device that corrupted hyperspace in the form that the galaxy uses today.
- Lehraan had discovered this in his research of ancient Rakatan technology and had found that the use of isotope-5 yielded promising results.
- His plan was to corrupt hyperspace for the entire galaxy, only allowing those of the dark side of the Force to travel between the stars, thus securing the galaxy for his new Empire.
- However, with the unexpected death of his apprentice and the hindrance of his plans, the Sith Empire would catch up to him before his plans would come to fruition.
- Ideally, he would lead a new Sith order after the corruption of hyperspace throughout the galaxy, but because of the failure of his apprentice, he would have to leave that to someone else worthy of re-discovering the secrets of dark side hyperspace travel.
- As Lexiine is listening to his monologue, she is slowly destroying the assassin droids one by one until the final one has been destroyed.
- She is about to attack Lehraan when Stikks tries to attack her physically.
- As Lexiine dodges Stikk’s attack, Lehraan tells her that before they are to die together as the planet explodes, he will take away everything from her just as she has managed to take away everything from him.
- Meanwhile, Havoc Squad has landed on Oricon and encounters an unlikely ally that reveals themselves. It is The Emperor’s Wrath and her crew.
- Aric Jorgan and Yuun recognise Jaesa among Silvana’s crew and realise she has been working for Sith the entire time.
- They agree to work together to take down Lehraan’s hyperspace corruption devices.
Chapter 18: Bloody rage
- Lynk and Silvana’s group work together to destroy many of the smaller hyperspace corruption devices but are met with heavy resistance from force corrupted animals that Lehraan has forced to his will.
- However, these animals were previously controlled by the Dread Masters and Silvana is confused as to how Lehraan has them working for him now.
- Meanwhile, Stikks is in tears and is trying to stop herself from attacking Lexiine, she’s trying to explain that she can’t control her body.
- She throws some thermal detonators at Lexiine and they explode, sending Lexiine flying.
- Lexiine doesn’t understand what is happening until Lehraan explains to Lexiine that she has implanted cybernetics into Stikks as well as a droid brain that is controlling her body. Stikks isn’t able to stop herself and will continue to attack no matter what.
- Enraged, Lexiine attempts to attack Lehraan but is immediately attacked by Stikks.
- Lehraan laughs at this display and tells Lexiine that the only way she is going to have a chance at killing him is if she kills her friend.
- Lexiine doesn’t know what to do, she can’t hurt Stikks, she refuses to hurt her.
- Stikks, as she is still attacking Lexiine, tells her that she has to because she’s a prisoner once more. She promised Lexiine years ago that if Stikks was trapped again like she was as a child, that Lexiine would do everything she could to free her.
- Lexiine doesn’t want to hear it, she knows what Stikks is trying to say and wants to find another way.
- Stikks finally says it, she asks Lexiine to kill her, to free her of this once and for all.
- Lehraan laughs even louder and throws his lightsaber to Lexiine who catches it instinctively.
- As she looks down at the lightsaber in her hand, she hesitates and freezes, giving Stikks a chance to attack and tackles her to the ground with her hands on Lexiine’s throat, squeezing.
- Stikks is in tears, looking down at Lexiine, pleading with her to do it.
- Lexiine activates the lightsaber and cuts through Stikks, killing her.
- As Lehraan’s laughter fills the air, Lexiine says one last goodbye to her friend before succumbing to her rage.
- She throws the activated lightsaber back at Lehraan who catches is with the force and then immediately unleashes everything she has on the Sith lord, taking him off guard at the ferocity of her attacks.
Chapter 19: Valkyrie Rising
- Back on the BT-7 Thunderclap, M1-4X laments that he is not able to join in on the glorious battle outside.
- HK-51 is in a worse predicament, his memory core is losing power and he will soon cease to function.
- HK-51, after hearing M1-4X’s lamentation convinces the other droid to help him achieve one final kill.
- HK-51 offers to link his systems with M1-4X and act as the guns that the battle droid had lost on Nar Shaddaa to allow HK-51 his final wish.
- M1-4X agrees and makes the adjustments, retrieving HK-51s sniper rifle from the armoury as the two set out outside.
- Meanwhile, Havoc Squad and Silvana’s group have destroyed all of the smaller facilities, however they have become pinned down and have no way of reaching the final, larger facility.
- The two teams decide to split up and try to make their way to the larger facility, however time is running out.
- Torbin contacts them and says he has a plan, however, he is communicating to all members of their group including Lexiine who overhears the conversation through her comms while fighting Lehraan.
- Torbin tells them that he has overridden all of the safety protocols on the Valkyrie Rising and thinks he can make a hyperspace jump now that the smaller facilities have been destroyed.
- When asked by Lynk what difference that will make, Torbin explains that if he can position himself above the larger facility and avoid all the ground to air cannon fire, he can aim this ship directly at the facility and jump into hyperspace. While he won’t actually be able to jump into hyperspace, the resulting energy feedback due to the hyperspace corruption device will be enough to act as a bomb that will detonate when he hits the facility.
- Lynk is against this plan but Torbin tells him that he’s already on his way and to get his team clear of the facility.
- Lexiine panics, as she’s trying to defend herself against Lehraan’s counter attacks, she screams at Torbin not to do it.
- Torbin, however, simply says he’s sorry and that this is the only way she’ll be able to get off this planet… he’s only doing his job.
- He then cuts off his comms.
- Lexiine watches Torbin’s suicide run on the facility as he destroys it.
- Lehraan realises what has transpired and that his plans have fallen to dust.
- He pauses for a moment and turns to Lexiine… he will have his revenge.

Chapter 20: Revenge
- HK-51 has been keeping track of the battle and his sensors that keep track of the life-sign readings of the rest of Ravage Squad are telling him that both Stikks and Torbin have fallen in battle. The only one who remains is his master, Lexiine.
- He tells M1-4X to find the highest elevation he can nearest to their location as he can detect Lexiine nearby.
- There isn’t much time left, HK-51 is running out of time and will soon cease to function.
- M1-4X hurries, realising that they won’t have another chance to help their fellow Republic soldiers in this battle if they are too slow to act.
- Cutting back to Lexiine, she is on the defensive, trying to scurry away from Lehraan as he destroys her auto-cannon and other weaponry.
- Lehraan is enraged and is destroying everything around her until he finally has her locked down.
- An explosion sends Lexiine flying back, but before she hits the ground, Lehraan grips her neck with the Force and brings her towards him.
- He tells her that he did not know that he had a child and that if he had known, she would have been slain when she was born.
- His only regret is of her existence, since, had she not have existed, his plans would have come to fruition.
- Lexiine is struggling for breath as she is being choked in the air and Lehraan puts his second hand out in front of him to channel more power into choking Lexiine.
- We immediately cut back to HK-51 as the droid is holding the sniper rifle on top of M1-4X in an overcharged state. The two droids are connected together directly and are interfaced so that they are sharing their sensors to allow HK-51 to fire at a greater distance.
- “Declaration: You will be disarmed.”
- HK-51 fires the overcharged sniper rifle and it explodes as the bolt zooms off into the distance, destroying HK-51 completely and damaging M1-4X in the process.
- The focus cuts back to Lexiine who is about to lose consciousness when a flash of light zooms by her and strikes Lehraan’s cybernetic arms, cutting straight through them.
- The shock of the blast throws Lehraan back and Lexiine drops to the ground, free of his Force grips.
- The explosion caused by his cybernetics being struck by the overcharged blaster bolt have damaged him severely.
- Lexiine is on the ground coughing and looking around, trying to figure out what just happened.
- As she looks around, she finds Lehraan’s lightsaber on the ground and picks it up.
- She slowly makes her way over to him, though she’s struggling after being beaten so badly.
- Finally, she stands over him and activates the lightsaber.
- She’s bloody and broken but so is he, all she has to do is strike him down and it’s all over.
- …but she can’t do it. After having lost everything, she doesn’t know what else to do… and even the act of revenge has no appeal to her any more. She’s lost all purpose.
- Lexiine deactivates the lightsaber and drops to her knees.
- As she does, Lehraan begins to laugh and she realises the lightsaber is trying to get free of her hand. She holds onto it tightly, trying not to let it go as Lehraan uses the Force on it.
- She’s struggling to keep the lightsaber where it is when it activates.
- She uses her other hand to hold it steady as it starts to slowly rotate towards her neck.
- Lehraan is still laughing as this is happening, Lexiine is too weak to stop him.
- As the lightsaber’s blade inches closer to her neck, a purple flash of light ignites near her and swings, cutting off Lehraan’s head from his body.
- Lehraan’s lightsaber deactivates as his head comes to a stop in front of Lexiine.
- As Lexiine begins to pass out, she hears a voice saying, “You are fortunate, Delta, that you are not my actual target.”
Chapter 21: The Former Legacy
- As Lexiine awakens on Havoc Squad’s BT-7 Thunderclap, she is being treated by Elara Dorne.
- Lynk is also there and hasn’t left her side since she was recovered from Oricon.
- He explains that Silvana had been on two separate assignments, hunting down a Republic assassin that turned out to be her and keeping an eye on Lehraan and trying to discover his true plans.
- Silvana had intended to kill her. However, at the last minute changed her mind after witnessing Lexiine forfeit her revenge on Lehraan. She said that Lexiine had earned the right to a second chance at life.
- Lexiine is having trouble dealing with the loss of her family, of Ravage Squad and says she doesn’t know what to do with herself now.
- Lynk tells her that not everyone has what it takes to fight, some people need to find a different path in life. Destruction can only lead to more destruction and that there has to be a better way.
- Lexiine doesn’t understand, all she has ever known for the last 13 years is to kill to survive and to kill those those who have hurt her.
- Lynk comforts his sister who he has not seen in since she was a child and explains that she’s going to have to figure that out on her own because no one else is going to be able to help her.
- He tells her that if he takes her back to the Republic, she won’t ever get that chance and has decided to, instead, free her.
- However, this means that the two will never end up meeting again.
- Lexiine doesn’t know what to think, she doesn’t know if she’ll be able to continue on after all that’s happened.
- Lynk assures her that each of us leave behind our own legacy, but as to what that legacy is has to be discovered along the way.
- He’s glad she’s survived to this day and thought she was dead for so long. He has been fighting for all this time for her memory and now he’ll continue to fight to make sure no one has to go through what she did time and time again.
- As the two are talking, Elara tells them the drugs are kicking in and Lexiine begins to feel lethargic and her eyes close.
- When she awakens, she finds herself on Tatooine, inside the safehouse she had told Stikks to go to during her escape.
- She is alone again, but this time, she’ll find a new path in life.
Epilogue: A long time ago…
- The epilogue moves forward in time to the Original Trilogy era.
- An ancient M1-4X has been accidentally discovered by two TIE Interceptor pilots who have boarded the remains of a ship after their starfighters were destroyed in a battle.
- Terren Surka, who is heavily injured and in desperate need of medical attention, and Lynk Former, her commanding officer.
- M1-4X has been telling them the story of Lexiine Former after mistaking this new Lynk Former for his former commanding officer from eons ago.
- The droid realises that this Lynk Former must be a descendant of Lexiine Former who settled down and started a family after the events of the story.
- Terren asks how M1-4X knows about all the events to this story when the droids wasn’t there to witness it.
- The droid explains that the original Lynk Former had gone missing in the line of duty and Elara Dorne, his fiancé, had compiled information about him and his sister into his memory banks over the years before her own death.
- Elara had gotten in contact with Lexiine many years after she went into exile to find that she had a family. Evidently, the Former Legacy has continued to this day.
- Terren starts to cough up blood and her condition is getting worse. They’ve waited for a rescue for so long but can’t wait any longer. Terren is going to die.
- As Lynk is about to lose all hope, the two pilots have been discovered, but not by Imperial forces.
- A group of Rebel soldiers discover them and Lynk surrenders themselves to them.
- This scene was meant to be a hook to a comic book series I wanted to draw called…
There you have it, the notes I had written down for The Former Legacy that I never got to write as a full story. I had enough material and ideas for what would essentially end up being a full novel that I was going to release as a PDF file anyone could download.
The idea was that eventually, I’d get a drawing tablet (like the one I had just bought recently) and draw the cover art for it as well and then begin creating the comic book story for The Former Legend… though, like I said, I feel out of love with Star Wars and… well, this will have to do.
I hope anyone who reads this ended up enjoying it. There is a lot to the story, the small moments and nuances I wasn’t really able to get in there. I have a lot of notes written up that delve more into the character interactions and such, but this will have to do!
Thanks for reading! Instead of publishing Star Wars stories, I’ve decided to create an original story instead called “reverie of an ishvari” instead!
This fan fiction is written by Lynk Former of lynkformer.com
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- The Former Legacy: Silvana30 November 2012
- Havoc Squad!10 May 2014
- Lexiine punches a dick27 April 2014
- Trooper Log #10: Havoc Squad’s new assignment31 May 2012
- Trooper Log #1: First assignment with Havoc Squad on Ord Mantell19 December 2011