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What's A Forum?

Boba Rhett

C3F Member
Holy cow, how's it been, guys? What's new?

Quick updates on my own front:

- Still perpetually amazed that I'm a functioning adult.
- Still living in Missouri. On my third house! Ever in the area? Let's go get some BBQ!
- Electronics engineer specializing in automotive LED lighting.
- Been married for about ten years now. No kiddos.
- Still play a bunch of games - almost exclusively on console now.
- I've gotten big into an extra dorky version of rock collecting - collecting fluorescent UV minerals.
- Don't worry. I'm still really really, like, ridiculously good looking.

Lynk Former

What is a forum? A miserable little pile of secrets.

Hey Rhett! Good to have you with us :D

And yes... I'm amazed that I'm a functioning adult too. I'm also a teacher, which... who knew that was going to happen!

As for the LED lighting... my brain keeps thinking of something like this...


Boba Rhett

C3F Member
Nothing quite that cool, unfortunately! :D More like all the lighting you see on motorcycles.

A teacher? That's great! Please tell me it's for Sex Ed.

Lynk Former

I don't need to do anything, companies in China, Japan and the US are already making leaps and bounds in creating them for me lol.