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TV - Star Trek Picard Trailer

Lynk Former

I'm kinda looking forward to this and I'm not at the same time. I want it to be good, but am pretty sure it's going to disappointing in a lot of ways... most likely.

So, I've simply resigned myself into a "this is just a fun 'what if?' scenario" and leave it at that. I don't know how the whole CBS/Viacom merger will end up affecting this Picard series, but I'm hoping that in the future, we get a return to the original Star Trek and not more... "New Trek" series.

Lynk Former

I've gotten to the point where I'm thinking... you know what, no matter what happens, even if it turns out to suck... I'm going to watch this series all the way through.

The reason is this: Patrick Stewart is OLD, man. Like, one foot into the grave old...

To paraphrase Beverly Crusher in All Good Things... if he wants to go on one more mission, that's what we'll do.