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Throwback: Early 1990s Internet Informercial


C3F Member
I don't know why I randomly thought of this today but I wanted to post a little throwback to this early 1990s internet commercial.

Maybe it's the music and the acting but it makes me laugh. 😂

Bob Lion54

Junior Malkavian Detective
Forum Moderator
Hehe, I love cheesy 90s commercials. I always think of this one:
Not as bad as some, but it stuck with me for some reason.

Lynk Former

I've got a video I show to my year 7 classes that was made back in... 1994, as a way of showing them what people thought the Internet would be like for us today. I wonder if there's a version online... *2 days later* ...hah, found it! So it's not the full version, but there's a clip on this page that shows a bit of what this video is like...