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Lynk Former

People have been talking about it, other people have been trying to get others to stop talking about it. It’s a movie that has been made political when it absolutely should not be made political in the first place. It should be universally agreed upon that the horrible things depicted in the movie should be shown and should be shared.

I finally got to see Sound of Freedom and I did not watch it alone, my parents who are in their 70s came along with me. It was out of nowhere, they asked me last weekend if there were any movies I wanted to see over the school holiday period. (The school holiday period starts in another week as of the publishing of this entry.)

I told them, “It’s not a movie I particularly want to see, but I think it’s a movie I should see.” I then told them what the movie was about while purposefully leaving out the part about it being “controversial” or “political” in the eyes of so many. I simply told them that it is a movie based on a true story about a...
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