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Lynk Former

In a previous article, I spoke a little bit about an issue with Sony and their censorship of games that are released on the PlayStation 4 and how this is an unacceptable practice in my eyes. The more I think about it, the more I need to start making good on drawing a line in the sand.
My primary concern in the case of Sony’s recent decisions with PlayStation is censorship. However, there are a number of practices that many different video game companies use to exploit their customer base that have been happening for a long time now. In fact, there has been an ever disturbing trend of certain companies and journalists even resenting their own audience.

After watching a video highlighting the fraudulent practices of “games as a service” and what that means, I’ve decided that enough is enough. This has to stop somewhere and the best place is for it to stop with me.
This means that I am going...
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