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KyoAni Studio Fire Arson Attack: At least 26 Dead :(


C3F Member
At least 26 people are dead and dozens injured after a suspected arson attack at an animation studio in Kyoto, Japan, local emergency officials have said.
Local media quoted police as saying a man broke into the Kyoto Animation Co studio on Thursday morning. Police say the suspect, a 41-year-old, sprayed petrol before igniting it.
Some people still remain unaccounted for, broadcaster NHK reported.
The suspect has been detained and was taken to hospital with injuries.
Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said the incident was "too appalling for words" and offered condolences to those affected.
Much more detailed information from the BBC article link above.
This is just sad and devastating for KyoAni :(. I remember enjoying and raving about some of their old anime series they've worked on like Clannad and Kanon. Sentai had created a GoFundMe page for them in hopes of them being able to recover from this.