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Lynk Former

It’s been a month since I started this project and so far, I’ve spent a lot more time developing the sprites and animations for the playable character, trying to figure out different aspects of the style and feel of the entire game.
I’m not trying to create anything groundbreaking or unique… it’s not going to “rock the game world” with it’s originality, or anything like that. I just want to create a game that can stand as a successor to what I think Metroid should be, at least, in my mind.
That said, I’m also not trying to create a carbon copy of Metroid and do want to try to add something new and special to my game, at least, in the context of comparing it to Metroid itself. As the development of the game progresses, I’ll have a better understanding of how to implement these features I have in mind.
Though, that aside, I have also been thinking about the presentation of the game itself, whether I want to...
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