
Today I’ve learned that you can store Wii VC and WiiWare data on the same card you use to store 3DS data without formatting the SD card.

Game Spotlight: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Here we go, the latest instalment of The Legend of Zelda series that takes us to the very start of the fabled Zelda timeline. Time to raise our Wii Remotes to the sky…

Game Spotlight: Xenoblade Chronicles

Xenoblade, also known as Xenoblade Chronicles in Europe and Australia, formerly known as Monado: Beginning of the World… whatever it’s called, it is SO COOL.

E3 2011

Oh man, this post is so huge. Prepare for a hell of a lot of scrolling because this post is longer than longcat and tacgnol combined. Your mouse wheel is going to get a real workout.

Game Spotlight: Donkey Kong Country Returns

When it was revealed that Retro Studios was working on a brand new Donkey Kong Country game, the first thing I thought was that it seemed to be a waste of their skills…

Game Spotlight: Disney Epic Mickey

Epic Mickey takes us all back to those days before Mickey Mouse was corrupted and also takes you through Disney’s lost history in what is a very interesting game for so many reasons.

Game Spotlight: Metroid: Other M

I don’t care what anyone says, this is the most horrible garbage I have ever played. I’ll physically FIGHT anyone who wants to challenge that view because Other M sucks THAT MUCH.

E3 2010

E3 2010 has come and gone, as a result we’ve been buried in a tonne of awesome things to look forward to in the future. Be warned, this will be an epicly long post…

Game Spotlight: No More Heroes + No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle

I thought I would write an entry about the very game and its unexpected sequel that represents the spirit of video games and gamers everywhere…

Region locked online games… why would you do that?!

The thing that sucks about online gaming is when the companies involved in the production of the game see the need to lock people into separate regions with online play…

Game Spotlight: Disaster: Day of Crisis

This game has, hands down, one of the most epic themes created of the generation of video games. That title theme is all you need to know about this game, it represents everything!