The first thing we all thought when we first saw the Wii U GamePad was that it would be great to use in a new Pokemon Snap… the second thing we thought of was Fatal Frame.
I have no idea why I have decided to do this, but I’m taking a huge risk by going completely 100% digital-only on Wii U, no discs at all. Will I end up regretting it? We’ll see…
We’re coming up to the first contender in the new generation of video game consoles, the Wii U is almost here and I am really excited to get my hands on one.
I’m sure by the time Wii U launches some time in mid-2012 there’ll be a few design changes that were implemented since the big reveal during E3 2011.
Oh man, this post is so huge. Prepare for a hell of a lot of scrolling because this post is longer than longcat and tacgnol combined. Your mouse wheel is going to get a real workout.
It’s always fun to speculate stuff and I thought I’d start a discussion regarding what you think Nintendo will do with their next generation console…