
Lynk Former plays The Last of Us: Remastered #4: Clicker trouble

This is where we start encountering more infected and things start to get a lot more interesting and difficult. There’s no listen mode in Grounded difficulty… none at all.

Lynk Former plays The Last of Us: Remastered #3: Hobo Ninja

Hey, I’m doing a lot better than I expected to be doing in Grounded difficulty mode… but this is still really early in the game so I bet I’ll end up sucking sooner than later…

Lynk Former plays The Last of Us: Remastered #2: What ammo?

Yup, that’s right, the second video is already being posted up shortly after the first video. I had to stop and start due to some strange streaming issues which I can’t figure out…

Lynk Former plays The Last of Us: Remastered #1: Grounded difficulty

This is my very first “let’s play” and I’ve chosen to do it with The Last of Us: Remastered on PlayStation 4 using the streaming option built into the console…