
Lynk Former plays Dead Space 2 (Part 2 FINAL)

Before I started playing this session, I was thinking, man this is such a great game. The entire presentation and improvements made over the first game make it a masterpiece I wish more people would play and appreciate.

Lynk Former plays Dead Space 2 (Part 1)

The first Dead Space was awesome, but it was mostly taking what Resident Evil created and put it out into space with its own unique touch. Then Dead Space 2 came along and gave the series its own flair and unique aspects that perfected the formula created by the first game.

Lynk Former plays Dead Space (Part 2 FINAL)

Being almost halfway through the game, may as well go all the way to the end in this second session. You know what, even after 10 years, this game holds up pretty damn well and plays great, even on the PC version which has its issues.

Lynk Former plays Dead Space (Part 1)

This game and the series is one of my favourite of all time… it’s just so cool in so many ways, particularly the sound design and the way the UI exists in-universe. That’s why this game ends up being pretty awesome in ultrawide and supports it really well.

Lynk Former plays Dead Island: Definitive Edition (Part 4 FINAL)

Whoops, looks like I went 4 Fast 4 Furious in this game and ended up blowing past way too much to get to the end. Oh well, no big deal. While I wasn’t a huge fan of this game, I can see where it all started and how it evolved into the superior Dying Light…

Lynk Former plays Dead Island: Definitive Edition (Part 3)

I thought I’d end up spending a few more episodes on this game, but it looks like skipping all those side quests has gotten me to the last part already. That’s okay, the side quests seem pretty generic any way since they’re all pretty much just fetch quests.

Lynk Former plays Dead Island: Definitive Edition (Part 2)

Should I be throwing all these knives around? I mean, every time I try to go for a standard melee attack, I always end up taking damage, so it seems like throwing the knives is the way to go…

Lynk Former plays Dead Island: Definitive Edition (Part 1)

It’s summer down here in Australia and what better way to spend summer than at a resort… until the zombies come and eat everyone. This game is pretty old now, but I got it through Humble Bundle recently and thought I’d try it out.

Lynk Former plays Resident Evil Remake (Part 6 FINAL)

This is it, the last stretch of the game where we finally confront Lisa Trevor and then head down to the laboratory and make use of that Magnum that I have been saving for all this time.

Lynk Former plays Resident Evil Remake (Part 5)

This session starts with Yawn and ends with Yawn, but there’s plenty of exciting things in between… and a few deaths as well. Plenty more mistakes were made and I ended up setting myself back pretty far because of them…

Lynk Former plays Resident Evil Remake (Part 4)

I’ve decided that with my playthrough with Chris, I’m going to play the game on normal difficulty instead of easy like I did with Jill. I end up dying a few times due to my own stupidity early on, but I do manage to finally get into gear and make it all the way to getting the Shield key.