
Lynk Former plays The Last of Us: Remastered #8: Going to school

I’m sure you’ve noticed that I’m starting to cut these videos in between death scenes… I’m just trying to cut down on the moments where I end up dying over and over again…

Lynk Former plays The Last of Us: Remastered #7: This is my town!

I start this video off with a little talking, but after reviewing the previous sessions, there’s way too much echo happening so it’s probably best to go silent from now on…

Lynk Former plays The Last of Us: Remastered #6: Ow, ow, ow!

Okay, so THIS part got a little nuts… in that I died quite a few times trying to get through this area, which is why I took the time to edit out some of the failed attempts…

Lynk Former plays The Last of Us: Remastered #5: Trial and error

Things are really starting to heat up now, my first deaths but I still think I’m doing pretty well for what is the most difficult mode in the game. But, it’s just going to get a lot harder…

Lynk Former plays The Last of Us: Remastered #4: Clicker trouble

This is where we start encountering more infected and things start to get a lot more interesting and difficult. There’s no listen mode in Grounded difficulty… none at all.

Lynk Former plays The Last of Us: Remastered #3: Hobo Ninja

Hey, I’m doing a lot better than I expected to be doing in Grounded difficulty mode… but this is still really early in the game so I bet I’ll end up sucking sooner than later…

Lynk Former plays The Last of Us: Remastered #2: What ammo?

Yup, that’s right, the second video is already being posted up shortly after the first video. I had to stop and start due to some strange streaming issues which I can’t figure out…

Lynk Former plays The Last of Us: Remastered #1: Grounded difficulty

This is my very first “let’s play” and I’ve chosen to do it with The Last of Us: Remastered on PlayStation 4 using the streaming option built into the console…

The inevitable death of physical media for video games

Plenty of people have bought DVDs and there are a lot that buy Blu-rays as well, however there is an increasing population that are going digital download only, is this the future?

PSN down? Everyone jump ship and buy a 360!

I find it strange to see a large amount of people jumping ship so easily over an issue that’s not that big a deal. Sometimes these things happen, why is it such a huge thing?

E3 2011

Oh man, this post is so huge. Prepare for a hell of a lot of scrolling because this post is longer than longcat and tacgnol combined. Your mouse wheel is going to get a real workout.