
Lynk Former plays A Boy and His Blob (Part 3 FINAL)

This is it, the final stretch to get to the final boss…and just when I think I’ve defeated him, there’s more game to play through and a second round at defeating that final boss. Things get pretty exciting but I finally beat this game.

Lynk Former plays A Boy and His Blob (Part 2)

I’m having a lot of fun playing this game, but I’ve also been doing a lot of work lately which is really tiring. In this episode, I managed to get to, what I believe is the last section of the game and ended up having a pretty cool boss fight as well. Next time, let’s finish this game!

Lynk Former plays A Boy and His Blob (Part 1)

I was originally going to buy this game for Wii way back in the day, but I never ended up buying it. Luckily, I found it being sold on GOG so here we are. This is a remake, rather a reimagining of a NES game that was done by WayForward.

Lynk Former plays Toki Tori

Is a Time Bird as cool as a Time Cop? Find out in this wacky puzzle adventure where you have to save your many hundreds of lost-in-time eggs… from porcupines and ghosts… and stuff.