
Lynk Former plays Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (Part 3)

After a week, we’re back and ready to take on some missions for the Begnion Empire. In fact, this leg of the trip has us rescuing the Apostle then taking on jobs for her that leads us on quite an adventure.

Lynk Former plays Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (Part 2)

Time for a prison break! One that I ended up doing multiple times until I got just right… as it turns out. In any case, we’re heading full swing into things as we start the next leg of the Greil Mercenaries journey to the Begnion Empire.

Lynk Former plays Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (Part 1)

I’m pretty hyped to be playing this considering it’s one of my favourite games of all time. It’s been a while so I’ve forgotten a few things, but hopefully I’m able to get everything right. Oh, and… I’m doing the voices for all the character, really badly! You know… for fun.

The state of gaming

PlayStation architect, Mark Cerny has been speaking about the PlayStation 5’s potential feature set recently, and it has gotten me thinking about the state of video games as they are right now and where this is all going to lead in the future.

Lynk Former plays Super Star Wars: Return of the Jedi

If you thought Super Star Wars and Super Empire Strikes Back was difficult and had a lot of moments that you thought weren’t fair, just wait till you see what Super Return of the Jedi has in store for us!

Lynk Former plays Super Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

Just like the first game, the second is just as hard… no, wait, it’s even harder! I end up using every dirty trick in the book to finish it because, holy crap, these games were meant for a certain period of time that I don’t belong to any more. It’s all still pretty fun though, I have to admit.

Lynk Former plays Super Star Wars

Oh, WOW! I forgot how hard this game is! I get the feeling the developers made this game so difficult just because it doesn’t actually take all that much time to beat. The key is to get those little kids back in the 90s to die over and over just so they can keep playing…

Lynk Former plays Metroid Fusion (Part 2 FINAL)

After all this time, we’ve finally gotten to the final game in the Metroid chronology. Where do we go from here? Who knows because Nintendo seems to have forgotten that it left us off with Samus being in a pretty tight spot as, essentially a fugitive from the Galactic Federation.

Lynk Former plays Metroid Fusion (Part 1)

Not the best Metroid game made, it certainly does have a lot of things that I don’t like, but at the very least, it plays well and does have one or two cool aspects… and it’s still not as bad as Metroid: Other M.

Lynk Former plays Super Metroid (Part 2 FINAL)

Time to find that grapple beam and continue our journey through the depths of the Space Pirate base on Zebes. Everything went pretty smoothly for the most part, though, it has been a REALLY long time since I’ve played Super Metroid.

Lynk Former plays Super Metroid (Part 1)

Metroid 3, also known as Super Metroid, is one of my favourite games of all time, though I won’t deny that it’s showing its age now, especially after playing AM2R where I experienced a lot of interesting twists and turns.