
Lynk Former plays HeXen: Beyond Heretic

After trying to get through Heretic’s second level, I decided to go beyond Heretic with HeXen… which didn’t turn out as well as I hoped because I couldn’t even get pass the first level. However, it is pretty cool how this game allows you to choose between three character classes.

Lynk Former plays Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders

I’ve never played Heretic, but since I’ve got time to have a look, let’s try and see how far I get with this oldskool game that not a whole lot of people ended up playing… aaaand, it turns out I didn’t get very far, this game is way too oldskool for me.

Lynk Former plays Duke Nukem 3D (Part 5 FINAL)

This is it, the last level. Time to rip those aliens a new one for the last time and go back home to all those bot babes… and such. If I can, I’ll definitely try to get my hands on some more Duke Nukem games for future playthroughs.

Lynk Former plays Duke Nukem 3D (Part 4)

This fourth episode is actually pretty cool, a lot more challenging than the previous ones… I thought that I’d end up finishing this all off in this episode, but I made it to the last episode and called it a day. On the next episode, we finally finish this!

Lynk Former plays Duke Nukem 3D (Part 3)

Time to finish this game off with the final episode of Duke Nukem 3D Atomic Edition. Being an extra episode, it’s a hell of a lot harder than the base game’s three previous episodes… though it is pretty interesting to see all new content that I haven’t seen before.

Lynk Former plays Quake II

Oh man, this is where things really start to get clunky. While the first Quake felt quick and snappy, Quake II feels sluggish and awkward. Probably doesn’t help that I messed up the HUD somehow and couldn’t keep track of my health or ammo… oh well.

Lynk Former plays Quake

Time to switch from 2D to 3D with a quick look at Quake in all of its weirdness… I actually prefer the strangeness of the original Quake compared to what id software ended up doing later with the series.

Lynk Former plays Wolfenstein 3D

We return to Wolfenstein only to try to escape again… though, perhaps this escape is a little too retro to see through all the way to the end. Eh, either way, it’s still a pretty cool opportunity to see the classic that launched an entire genre of video games.

Lynk Former plays Duke Nukem 3D (Part 2)

Ah! I recorded an hour and a half worth of black screen before I realised it. Had to cut all that out of this video which really sucks. Oh well, I did end up finishing the base game though.

Lynk Former plays Duke Nukem 3D (Part 1)

It’s time to kick ass and chew bubblegum! I didn’t expect to start this one so soon, so I’m fumbling quite a bit at the start, though, things to begin to pick up and I end up finishing off the first two episodes with not too much trouble.

Game Spotlight: Destiny

Destiny is Destiny, but is there enough Destiny in Destiny to satisfy us? The simple answer is no, but despite all its shortcomings, there’s something strangely fun about Destiny.