
I’m told by Nintendo fans that there is a cabal within the video game industry that is out to destroy Nintendo.

Moments in Miiverse #1: Save GTA5!!

Miiverse is a VERY strange place with very strange people and while that’s not anything different from any other place on the Internet, it still has its own brand of madness.

Wii don’t want to play Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate with U

Welp, looks like I really have no reason to buy into MH3U for Wii U since Capcom doesn’t seem to want people from different regions to play online together, oh well.

I HATE “content not available in your country” messages when clicking on a link. This is the Internet, these restrictions shouldn’t exist!

The shambles that is Star Wars: The Old Republic

I guess it was unrealistic to think I would last too long with The Old Republic, it was great while it lasted, but I guess all good things must come to an end.

Nintendo 3DS… what the hell?

Nintendo is a very strange company that ends up doing a lot of very strange things, especially when it comes to certain things that should end up being a no-brainer.

EA, LucasArts and BioWare collectively hates Australia, Latin America and Asia…

Good news everyone! I just pre-ordered a copy of the Collector’s Edition of Star Wars: The Old Republic! However, it’s not good news for a lot of people in non-selected countries…

All we need is MA15+

Of course, I’m not saying this in a “woe is me, for the government will never acknowledge that gamers are adults” kind of way… I’ve actually come to the realisation of the obvious…

Microsoft: “I want your credit card details, nom nom nom!”

As good as Xbox Live is, it’s exactly what you want out of a paid online gaming service… but it can be stupid sometimes, especially when it comes to your credit card details.

There is hope yet for an R18+ rating down here in Australia!

Here’s a quick entry for you guys just to update you on the current situation down on the other side of the planet… not that anyone really cares what happens in Kangarooland lol.

Game Spotlight: Metroid: Other M

I don’t care what anyone says, this is the most horrible garbage I have ever played. I’ll physically FIGHT anyone who wants to challenge that view because Other M sucks THAT MUCH.