
My line in the sand: The exploitation of the audience needs to stop somewhere

In a previous article, I spoke a little bit about an issue with Sony and their censorship of games that are released on the PlayStation 4 and how this is an unacceptable practice in my eyes. The more I think about it, the more I need to start making good on drawing a line in the sand.

@EA Well done, you have convinced me to not buy any of your games after this whole mess with Visceral and Battlefront II. I’m done.

Hey guys, guys… I have the BEST idea! What if we make a game, but then we also get people to pay extra to unlock hard mode? #Nintendo

God King Trump 2016

Jeez, everyone suddenly thinks it’s the end of the world or something, as if society as we know it is going to crumble just because one asshat won an election in the USA.

The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited: Glitched quest leads to suicide

Sigh… Came across this quest and it glitched out, showing a different person tot talk to instead of the person I’m meant to who is part of the quest line… oh well, time to commit suicide, I guess!

Wonder how long it’ll take for the government to block my own site from under me in Australia. Whatever, got VPN, got other solutions.

I feel like Konami needs to input the Konami code to give itself 30 more tries before it dies, but sadly, it doesn’t even deserve that much.

“You move this motherfucker here, then you take this motherfucker and move it here.”

— Unlucky motherfucker with teacher standing behind him

“Again, it’s like poetry, so that they rhyme, every stanza rhymes with the next one.”

— Georgeo de Lucas, first Emperor of Han dynasty

Wesfarmers doesn’t want people to buy GTA V…

…and I suddenly have the urge not to buy anything from any business owned by Wesfarmers. Here we are again, GTA is being targeted yet again for some bullshit… *shrugs*

@jeffmoeller is so damn lazy. He still hasn’t put up a post about our challenge on his site. Maybe he just knows he’ll lose.