Isn’t it great when a game is released that has a great imaginative and interesting story that is made even better with very well handled gameplay? Welcome to the Animus…
I’ll admit right upfront that I don’t actually own Metroid Prime Trilogy for Wii yet (it comes out on October 15 down here, minus the awesome metal case…
I was going to write three separate Game Spotlights for these games, but I realised that it’d be a waste of time considering that people really don’t care about them…
When Chinatown Wars was announced for the Nintendo DS, my interest was peaked when I saw images of an oldskool style top-down GTA of old. I was excited but still sceptical…
This is probably the most underrated game on Wii at the moment and it’s a damn shame that more people haven’t bought it. It is one HELL of a well made and fun game!