Lynk Former plays Valkyria Chronicles 4

Lynk Former plays Valkyria Chronicles 4 (Part 1)

Here we go back to fight in the Second Europan War, but this time playing as Squad E as part of the Federation Army. I’m pretty hyped about this because I’ve been waiting (as has everyone else) for a new Valkyria Chronicles game to come out on a non-handheld system…

Lynk Former plays Valkyria Chronicles 4 (Part 2)

Getting back into the field with Squad E and things are starting to heat up with new mechanics along the way. So far, I’ve managed to get through these missions with mostly A ranks, but I do need to get better…

Lynk Former plays Valkyria Chronicles 4 (Part 3)

I knew this was going to happen when I started this playthrough… I spent the entirety of Saturday playing… around 12 hours and 40 minutes worth. I wish I could continue doing that tomorrow, but it’s a Sunday and I do have to go to work the next day.

Lynk Former plays Valkyria Chronicles 4 (Part 4)

Whoops, this episode turned out to be shorter than expected because of a blue screen of death. That said, I did end up going through a lot of the extra DLC mission content as well as a really short and easy skirmish map.

Lynk Former plays Valkyria Chronicles 4 (Part 5)

Despite that blue screen of death, I still wanted to play more and so I did, getting through more of the story and focusing less on skirmishes and the extras. Things are starting to get interesting and strange at the same time…

Lynk Former plays Valkyria Chronicles 4 (Part 6)

This episode goes into some pretty epic territory as we bring down a couple of boss characters. I’m actually pretty happy with my performance in the last few missions because I end up coming up with strategies that totally just blow through the bosses with ease.

Lynk Former plays Valkyria Chronicles 4 (Part 7)

I thought I’d end up finishing the main story in this episode, but it turns out that I’m going to have to get better if I want to beat that final mission. Also, I ended up playing for quite a bit in widescreen which ended up cutting off the side parts of the ultrawide image for a while…

Lynk Former plays Valkyria Chronicles 4 (Part 8)

This is it, the end of the main storyline for Valkyria Chronicles 4… but why complete that last mission only once when you can complete it twice and get the TRUE ending? Plus, it’s also nice that I actually had a bit of an audience this time around, which I haven’t gotten in a while…

Lynk Former plays Valkyria Chronicles 4 (Part 9)

With the main story over, it’s time to take on more of those extra missions and side story missions for each character. Though, I kinda wish SEGA had released the Squad 7 DLC on time because I really wanted to play that…

Lynk Former plays Valkyria Chronicles 4 (Part 10)

There’s still quite a lot of content to get through in this game even though I’ve already finished off the main story. Along with finishing off the DLC missions, there are a bunch of side story missions for various squad members that I’ve been busy unlocking along the way.

Lynk Former plays Valkyria Chronicles 4 (Part 11)

While this is listed as the final episode for this playthrough, I really do want to get the Squad 7 DLC at some point in the future once SEGA decides to release it for the steam version of this game…