Lynk Former plays Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Lynk Former plays Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Part 1)

Here we go, we’re heading into a new Fire Emblem game and it’s a totally blind playthrough since I know next to nothing about this game aside from a few small details about the gameplay.

Lynk Former plays Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Part 2)

In the first session, I spent most of the time hanging around the monastery, talking to various people and not really going into battle all that much. In this second session…

Lynk Former plays Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Part 3)

I have no idea how big this game actually is, but the fact that I keep hearing “Part 1” being spoken of with the start of each chapter tells me that it’s a lot bigger than I think it is.

Lynk Former plays Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Part 4)

Just when you think you’ve figured this game out, when you think, “Oh, I know what’s going to happen next.” You end up getting a surprise yet again… “Wait, who is that?!”

Lynk Former plays Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Part 5)

Well, an unexpected turn as we become… more? But where will this lead? I know I keep saying this over and over, but I have no idea where this is heading, hah.

Lynk Former plays Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Part 6)

Things are really starting to heat up now as the plot thickens and we find out who are real enemies are in this game where I have no idea what’s going on.