The story doesn’t end in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, in fact, the fire rises as war consumes all of Tellius in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. I thought I’d start off with some shorter videos first before spending more time on this game on the weekend.
Whew, the more I play of this game, the more I remember how damn hard it is… or maybe it’s just because I keep on over-committing to a lot of the moves I take.
It’s time for the Daein Liberation Army to march forward onto victory and fee its country from the oppressive rule of the Begnion army! And yes, I make it sound easy but there have been plenty of times I ended up restarting a level during this session.
Civil war in Crimea! We’re finally heading back to Crimea after all this time in Daein, however, things aren’t going so well for Queen Elincia as the nobles begin plotting against her.
The civil war in Crimea escalates and hits its climax, and just when you think the worst is about to happen and all is lost… in come the Greil Mercenaries to save the day!
The Laguz Alliance marches on with the Greil Mercenaries, but this war against Begnion is not going to be easy, especially once Daein gets involved.
Oh, boy… this is around the time that I’m realising that I’ve been making mountains of bad decisions along the way and it’s starting to hurt this playthrough badly.
Phew, now that several of my characters have changed to their third tier classes, this is becoming a hell of a lot easier to play. For a while there, I was on an uphill battle trying to survive every round hoping I could actually get through this game in one piece.
Damn… I said right at the start that I wouldn’t go overboard in this session, but yup, I went overboard. Though part of the reason for that is because the last level I did ended up going for a lot longer than I hoped it’d go.
This is it, the final session where we head into the endgame of Radiant Dawn. We’ve played three different factions, some of which have fought against each other in the game, but now we’re united in a common cause to save all the people of Tellius.