The Great Anime Marathon of 2020! #6 – #10: Back to School!

I’ve managed to watch 120 different anime series over the last two months or so, but now it’s time for me to figure out how to be a teacher again. With that in mind, the selection of anime in this entry is all about school!

The Great Anime Marathon of 2020! #1 – #5: A Quartet of Isekai

I’ve ended up watching a little over 70 different series this year, with a hell of a lot more lined up. With that in mind, I’ve decided to post my thoughts about all of these different anime on this site, since I haven’t posted in a hell of a long time.

Lynk Former plays Destiny 2 (Part 9)

This one’s a short session giving me the chance to play a little Destiny with muh peeps. This time, I’m taking a little break from my Titan and starting up a little Hunter action.

Lynk Former plays Destiny 2 (Part 8)

I thought I’d take a second to diversify my portfolio and start up a Hunter, though I’m not going to be playing with that character just yet, waiting for some multiplayer action to happen for that.

Lynk Former plays Destiny 2 (Part 7)

I’m almost at Shadowkeep… wait, what the Vex? Guess I’m starting Shadowkeep then! After all these hours of going through the storyline, I’m finally to the end of the current story for Destiny… well, kind of… not really…

Lynk Former plays Destiny 2 (Part 6)

I’ve been going at this game pretty hard trying to get through all the story content on the road to Shadowkeep… and I’m almost there! I’ve also managed to reach the power level 900 soft cap and am working my way slowly getting more powerful gear.

Lynk Former plays Destiny 2 (Part 5)

I’m really liking Forsaken a lot and can’t wait to play more of it. I mean, I’ve already spent around 5 hours playing it and I still haven’t finished it which is pretty good! The first two expansions were over and done before I knew it…

Lynk Former plays Destiny 2 (Part 4)

I woke up VERY early today and decided, why not some MORE Destiny 2? This time I powered through a lot of the story expansion stuff since I’m on the road to Shadowkeep. Got all the way through the first and second expansions.

Lynk Former plays Destiny 2 (Part 3)

Dust and Leon join me again for some more Destiny 2… unfortunately for them, I’m a dangerous person to be around apparently. There’s a great moment in this session where I end up killing my own fireteam… it was an accident, I swear!

Lynk Former plays Destiny 2 (Part 2)

Woke up early and thought to myself, why not play some more Destiny 2? And so I did, with Leon back on the fire team learning how to jump with his Hunter. The Red War continues as we head to Titan then onto Nessus and finally Io.

Lynk Former plays Destiny 2 (Part 1)

I didn’t think I’d actually end up going back to this game, but here I am, giving Destiny 2 another go since it’s finally released on Steam and I know have a PC that is more than capable of running it.