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The saga continues...


C3F Member
i'm back and reconnecting with folks of yore. its hard to believe that i joined LF back in high school. just a kid looking for KOTOR mods, and it almost feels like a lifetime ago. i've left the IT industry and gotten married in the interim. no kids yet, but my dog sort of counts. oddly enough, i've gotten to become a big car guy now. I go to car shows and the local drag strip a lot, and i have 4 cars at home. two are projects and the others are for daily use, but they also kind of double as projects, too. its fun, but i have to say that video games are much easier on the wallet.

speaking of video games, i'm still into Bioware games, and yes, that means that i play Anthem from time to time (i'm on PC, btw. same username on Origin, so HMU). i don't get to play too many other games aside from the Forza series (cars, remember?) and random RPG's like Skyrim, Fallout, or the Witcher series. i do revisit the Mass Effect trilogy fairly often. it is very much my favorite RPG series of all time, and i've played through them probably a dozen times or more. Andromeda was a let down, but its still a good game (after all the patches, at least).

so, yeah. that's what's been going on in the past decade or so since i stopped visiting LF.

Lynk Former

Welcome aboard @stingerhs, good to have more folks from LucasForums here.

Hopefully, once this place starts to grow, it'll bring back a little bit of what we had with LF back in the day.