Continue reading...These are the voyages of the weebest weaboos to have ever weebed. Boldly watching all the strangest animu that can be viewed in as short a period of time as possible. This time, our continuing journey brings up to all the space related anime we can handle.
We’ve got quite a mix, jumping from anime that are scientifically accurate for their time, all the way to comedies and straight up space battles with mechs and antagonists that make absolutely no sense. Where ever we’re going, it’s not just boldly, we’re diving right up in there, head first with not a care in the universe for our sanity.
The following is a spoiler-free list of anime I’ve seen this year in no particular order:
#31: Planetes
Season 1: Complete series to date (dub)
I’ve decided to start us off with the best and most scientifically accurate portrayal of life in space you can find in any anime released so far. We’re heading...
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