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Lynk Former

One of the most Japanese things you can get are the school clubs represented in countless anime and manga. Sure, school clubs do exist elsewhere, however, Japan has their own special way of doing things that makes them feel unique.
While there’s a lot more “club” themed anime on my marathon list, let’s start with these five picks, some of which are great, while others… well, let’s just have a look.
The following is a spoiler-free list of anime I’ve seen this year in no particular order:
#16: Asobi Asobase: Workshop of Fun

Season 1, including OVAs: Complete series to date (sub)

Join the Pastimers Club! It’s nice and peaceful and nothing strange ever happens… ever. No, that’s a lie, a horrible, wonderful lie. Asobi Asobase got me 100% with its humour and I laughed my ass off at all of the crazy antics in that show.
I especially love how the opening theme lulls...
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Lifelong LFN Member
The emotional attachment to Sena and empathy towards her bully situation.
Also the fact you're able to talk about it at length with such passion both in and out of blog posts. :D

Lynk Former

All you can get from the rant is that I like Sena, but I don't like Haganai. The most I can do is begrudgingly admit that it isn't complete garbage and has SOMETHING to it unlike Gamers! where it was just "meh" all the way.

Lynk Former

@igyman There's another anime that I've talked about before where I HATED, WITH A PASSION, certain parts of it, such as the abusive relationship it portrayed, but I still gave it a 5 out of 5. I think the difference there is that the balance of the things that I hated about it were greatly outweighed by the things that I couldn't deny were cool/excellent.

Haganai goes in the opposite direction where the things I hated outweighed whatever was good about it. It also didn't help that those components that you could look at as being good were being smothered by brother/sister complex bullshit and all the other weird fetishes that aren't personally my thing.

The most I can do in that regard is try to ignore the weird fetishes, but in doing so, there's very little meat in these gym mats.