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Lynk Former

It’s funny how things work out, you think you’re going to have just another ordinary year and then everything goes to hell before you know it. That said, why not take advantage where you can?
Since the whole coronavirus outbreak has gotten everyone quarantined, including myself, I’ve ended up catching up on A LOT of anime. We’re talking anime of all different kinds, some good, some not so good and some that were simply excellent.
I’ve ended up watching a little over 70 different series so far, with a hell of a lot more lined up. With that in mind, I’ve decided to post my thoughts about all of these different anime on this site, since I haven’t posted in a hell of a long time.
I’ll be posting up a series of entries with 5 anime listed in each. This list will contain exactly what I’ve seen from these series, including OVAs and movies, etc. I’ll also be giving each series a rating out of 5 as a recommendation of whether to watch or skip different series.
So, let’s get into it!

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