Since this the first chapter in what will hopefully end up becoming a long running series over the course of a year or so, I should start off with some kind of preface…
Of course, a lot of the explanation about what motivated me to play Star Wars: The Old Republic can be found in a
previous entry I wrote on the subject. In fact, that entry has pretty much everything you need to know about what motivated me to write this fan fiction series as well, so if you’re interested, that’s a great place to start.
I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Grinding the filth
Nar Shaddaa; caked with the effluvial grime of various sources of filth and pollution, Hutta’s largest moon and the last place Lexiine Former wanted to be right now. Even the Rakghoul infested ruins of Taris seemed more appealing to her at...