LFN Veteran

Hello there. For those of you from LFN, you may or may not remember me as I pretty much stuck to the Swamp, with a bit of time spent near the end there in I think Ahto Spaceport? It's a little fuzzy. But for the better part of 8 years Yoda's Swamp was my internet home.
For those of you not from LFN: Hi there. I'm BongoBob. I spend an unhealthy part of my free time playing Destiny 2 on PC, or watching/listening to GiantBomb content. Also an avid NFL watcher (Go Rams!) and have become over the past two years an NHL (Go Knights!) watcher as well. I'm not as up on my anime as I used to be when I was younger, but still enjoy from time to time.
Glad to see so many returning faces, but also glad to meet the new ones as well.