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Lynk Former

I’ve been brainstorming ideas for a long time now, as I do with a lot of things, but I’ve finally come to the decision that I should actually go ahead and make my own game.
I’m not doing it to make money, I’m not doing it to get famous and I’m not doing it because I think I have better ideas of what makes a good game than other people.
I’m doing it because I love video games and before my time ends on this planet, I’d like to create something that embodies the kind of games that I like to play. Basically, I’m doing it for me and as an expression of what I enjoy.
With that said, this wasn’t a decision I made just today, I have been dabbling here and there creating different things in relation to “a game” at different points throughout the years. Mostly creating outlines for scenarios, gameplay ideas and sprites…
The sprites shown above are from a cyberpunk type game I’ve got an idea for… which, until now, I haven’t really...
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Lifelong LFN Member
I hope you pull it off. I've made some fan content for existing games myself and I know it can be frustrating, hard work depending on the scope of what you're making, but I can also tell you that when you see the result of your work in action, it's very fulfilling.

As for making actual full games, I had an idea for a short (2-3h for a single playthrough) narrative-driven RPG that would be implemented in Ren'Py. What inspired me was Doki Doki Literature Club and the success it got. Unfortunately, it's not a one-man project and I just wasn't able to sync up with the friend I asked to help me out, so the idea is on the backburner for now until he frees up, or I find someone else, or just decide to do everything myself.

Anyway, good luck and I hope you fare better with your full-game project than I did. :)

Lynk Former

Thanks @igyman.

I think, if I keep it within the scope of a Metroidvania type game, I'll find that it's easier to produce. It's probably why a lot of indie studios end up creating such games. It requires no overt story and is based purely on platforming, shooting in some cases and the general need to explore an environment.

Of course, it's not going to be that simple, which is why I'm focusing a lot on art right now to get a feel for what kind of game this will end up being.