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I am bubblegum crisis series fans


C3F Member
I am bubblegum crisis series fans. and I am from China.

These are my collection, Japanese VHS cassette tapes. They are all first-time sale version.
Now I am ripping them to mp4. And I upload them to U2 dmhy.

I want to ask for LYNK FORMER's help to check my CD resources collection.

Can you help me check which CD is missing
thank you!
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Lynk Former

That's quite the collection you've got there. I'm impressed. However, it's been a while since I looked at anything BGC related in a long time though so I don't know a whole lot about the show any more.

I can point you towards https://vgmdb.net though. I've used it quite a bit myself. It's a pretty comprehensive database of Japanese released CDs so I'm sure everything BGC related SHOULD be on there for you to verify you have everything.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help, but I hope this helps a little, at least.